The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

We need to (ban) (let everyone have) guns in America

- Jeff Edelstein Columnist Jeff Edelstein is a columnist for The Trentonian. He can be reached at,­lstein and @ jeffedelst­ein on Twitter.

When it comes to “useless endeavors,” I’m not sure anything tops “newspaper columnist giving their opinion on the latest mass shooting in America.” (Of course, some people definitely think I could’ve stopped at “newspaper columnists giving their opinion” when it comes to “useless endeavors,” but let’s just presuppose you’re not one of them.)


So here we are, some two days and change removed from the Mandalay Bay mass shooting, which was the deadliest mass shooting in American history, topping the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016, which topped the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, which was challenged, of course, by the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012.

America needs one of those “Days Since the Last Mass Shooting” whiteboard­s in the break room.

You ask me, there’s one easy way to start making sure these mass shootings stop happening. You obviously have to (ban all guns) (let everyone carry a gun). That, or (let everyone carry a gun) (ban all guns).

There’s clearly no other way. It’s time America got real and (banned) (let everyone have) guns.

What was I saying about “useless endeavors …” oh yes: Guns in America is something no one is going to change their mind about. You either think semi-automatic guns should be totally banned and that it should be difficult to get your hands on any type of gun period, or you’d prefer that to happen only if your hand was both cold and dead.

Where I stand isn’t a mystery: I think gun laws in America are way too lax and there’s no real reason to buy, sell, or own anything more high-powered than a hunting rifle. (And I know nothing about guns. I’m picturing Elmer Fudd right now, full disclosure.)

Of course, I’m also not an idiot. The cat is out of the bag on this one, and she’s packing. No way, no how, no chance do we get rid of the gun culture in America. It’s part of us, always has been. And it wasn’t much of a problem — at least mass shooting-wise — until we started figuring out fancy new ways to make the old-fashioned six-shooter into a six-hundred-shooter. (And yes, I recognize the guns used in the Las Vegas attack were machine guns, and I further realize they are already illegal in America. So while the carnage would’ve been less with a semiautoma­tic weapon, let’s not pretend it wouldn’t have done a lot of damage.)

So is there an answer? Is there a way to allow law-abiding citizens to possess all manner of firearms while simultaneo­usly keeping the same weapons out of the hands of the crazies?

No. There’s not. And let’s not try to pretend that there is.

This is a true either/or, black/ white, yes/no situation. Either we tighten up gun control laws to match the rest of the civilized world and hope that over time these attacks abate, or we don’t and live with the consequenc­es.

And let’s be honest — we’ve already made our choice. If Sandy Hook didn’t change the way we do guns in America, clearly nothing will.

So what to do … what to do … better mental health screening across the board comes to mind, but short of putting everyone in therapy, it’s not going to work.

I know I sound exasperate­d in a “throw my hands up in the air in disgust” kind of way, but that’s because I am. I’m tired of reading the same talking points, tired of hearing the same arguments, tired of seeing the same killings, tired of worrying just a little bit more each time I step into a large crowd.

Tired of it.

So either we all agree to getting rid of our nationwide fascinatio­n with guns (fat chance), or we don’t.

And that’s it. Anything else is just noise.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Police run to cover at the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip, Sunday in Las Vegas.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Police run to cover at the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip, Sunday in Las Vegas.
 ??  ??

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