The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)



Our much-quoted friend A.N. Onymous said, “A friend is someone who will help you move. A real friend is someone who will help you move a body.”

A bridge defender is someone who tries to defeat a contract. A real bridge defender is someone who will, when necessary, help partner to defeat the contract.

How does that apply in this deal? South is in five spades, and West leads the heart nine, top of nothing.

Playing two-over-one, South was borderline for his three-spade jump rebid, but the seventh spade made it acceptable. North, happy that he had promised opening count, raised despite his singleton. (Note that after a club lead, three no-trump would have had no chance.) South ought to have passed out four spades, but optimistic­ally used Roman Key Card Blackwood. When he learned that partner had either one ace or the spade king, he signed off in five spades.

West found the killing heart lead, the first trick going nine, king, four, 10. Declarer led the spade six from the board, covered by the two, queen and king. Now West shifted to the diamond four. When South played dummy’s jack, East took the trick and returned a diamond, but declarer ruffed, drew trumps and claimed.

Yes, perhaps West should have led a second heart, but East should have helped his partner by playing his spade 10 on the first round of trumps. Since this was so unlikely to be a singleton, West should have read it as a suit-preference signal for the highest-ranking side suit, hearts.

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