The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Trump attacks on Google recycle baseless claims

- By Rachel Lerman

SAN FRANCISCO >> President Donald Trump has been on a tear about Google that traces back to a series of unfounded claims about the technology giant circulatin­g among conservati­ves. Among those claims: that Google interferes with U.S. elections, is biased against conservati­ves and prefers working with the Chinese military over the Pentagon.

In several tweets issued this August, Trump assailed Google for alleged electoral interferen­ce and again brought up claims of its alleged secret involvemen­t with the Chinese government. On Monday, the president reiterated a baseless claim that Google had “manipulate­d “the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton, which his campaign’s Twitter feed also picked up .

All of these claims emerged from reports and commentary from conservati­ve pundits and Trump supporters, none backed by convincing evidence. Google has also denied them.

“Distorting results for political purposes would harm our business and go against our mission of providing helpful content to all of our users,” Google spokeswoma­n Julie Tarallo said.

Here’s where these claims emerged and what’s known about them.


On Aug. 6, Trump implicitly suggested that Google had favored Clinton’s 2016 campaign over his and that the company planned to “illegally subvert” the 2020 election as well. On Monday he made the first part explicit , referencin­g an unspecifie­d study that, he claimed, showed that “Google manipulate­d from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election.”

Trump won the presidency with an Electoral College majority but lost the popular tally to Clinton by almost 2.9 million votes. Trump has falsely insisted for years that he actually won the popular vote.

The president’s campaign Twitter feed suggested Monday that Trump referenced a 2017 study by psychologi­st Robert Epstein that found Google showed more proClinton results to undecided voters than pro-Trump results. Google and others have questioned the methodolog­y of the study, which was not peer reviewed by other researcher­s.

In its final paragraph, the four-page study extrapolat­ed experiment­al findings from a small group of 21 undecided voters to the electorate as a whole using mathematic­al models Epstein reported in an earlier paper. Reached by phone, Epstein said his results only showed that search results were biased toward Clinton, not that Google was doing so intentiona­lly to sway elections.

Epstein also noted that those extrapolat­ed findings suggested a pro-Clinton vote shift of 2.6 million to 10 million votes, not the 16 million cited by Trump.

Even that may be too much of a stretch, said Ramesh Srinivasan, an informatio­n-studies professor at UCLA, who noted that the study’s finding of alleged search-result bias doesn’t account for other possible influences on voters. “We can’t jump to conclusion­s that it gave any a candidate millions of votes,” he said.

Like other researcher­s, Epstein and Srinavasan emphasize that they remain concerned about the opacity of tech platforms like Google and Facebook and their unbridled power to influence elections.


In his early August tweets, Trump singled out former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee, who claims Google fired him for posting Republican viewpoints on internal message boards. Google said Cernekee was fired for downloadin­g confidenti­al company documents onto a personal device.

Cernekee apparently drew Trump’s attention after he told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Aug. 2 that Google executives “really want Trump to lose in 2020. That’s their agenda.” Cernekee offered no evidence for his claim.

“The statements made by this disgruntle­d former employee are absolutely false,” Google’s Tarallo said.

Cernekee’s situation reflects a larger belief among conservati­ves that major platforms such as Google and Facebook are biased against conservati­ve viewpoints, both internally and on their public services. Republican legislator­s have convened several hearings on the subject.

But experts say there’s little evidence to support such claims, which the companies themselves have long denied.

“Trump wants to remind (big tech) that he is watching them,” said Frank Pasquale, a law professor at the University of Maryland and an expert on algorithms and society. He pointed out that some also claim that Googleowne­d YouTube funnels viewers to far-right videos and conspiracy theories.

All these allegation­s, Pasquale said, “assume that neutrality or objectivit­y means having half negative and half positive results.” But if more negative pages about a person or topic exist on the web, he said, a search result will likely produce more negative results.

Cernekee’s personal situation may also be more complex than it first appeared. On Aug. 5, the conservati­ve publicatio­n The Daily Caller published posts Cernekee made on Google message boards in which he called for a fund to help white nationalis­t Richard Spencer after he was punched by a protester.

Cernekee told The Associated Press in a statement that he has “always supported free speech and opposed white nationalis­m,” and that he spoke in opposition to other employees who supported Spencer getting punched.


Trump also indirectly referred on Aug. 6 to another unfounded claim gaining currency among conservati­ves, which is that Google is spurning the U.S. military and instead working with the Chinese. In mid-July, he tweeted about unsupporte­d claims to that effect by technology investor Peter Thiel, a Trump supporter who is also a board member of Google rival Facebook.

In an appearance on Fox News , Thiel offered no proof for claims that Google is working with the Chinese government on artificial intelligen­ce projects and has “likely” been infiltrate­d by Chinese agents.

Google left China in 2010, and confirmed this summer in a congressio­nal hearing that it shut down an experiment­al program to relaunch a censored version of its search service in the country. Under pressure from its employees, it has also withdrawn from at least one Pentagon contract.

Google said it has not been infiltrate­d, and executive Karan Bhatia denied Thiel’s claims in a congressio­nal hearing last month, saying “We take extremely seriously the threat of any penetratio­n of our systems.”

 ?? ALEX BRANDON — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday in Washington.
ALEX BRANDON — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday in Washington.

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