The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Biden’s VP pick


Joe Biden should have put his foot in his mouth! Instead of seeking the best-qualified Democrat, without regard to skin color, to be his running mate, he now realizes that the few remaining black/brown “front runners” have baggage that can sink his election chances.

The voting electorate would have applauded Biden for picking the best-qualified Democrat to be his running mate. However, at this moment, he does not know who to pick. Kamala Harris embarrasse­d and chastised Biden in the Democratic primary debates, and her loyalty to him is questionab­le, at best.

Susan Rice? She’s considered a lightning rod among the Democrats, so much that she withdrew her name for considerat­ion as Obama’s Secretary of State, since she knew her nomination would not win Senate confirmati­on.

It’s probably too late for Biden to renege on his promise to pick a black/brown Democrat to be his running mate. He will be handing the election to Trump by picking either Harris or Rice. So, who else is there that he can pick? Did I hear someone holler, “Cory Booker, come on down”?

— Hamilton Reader

Actually (please read that in the voice of Oscar from The Office)...

Biden has not vowed to pick a black VP, but a female one. There is pressure from others for him to pick a person of color, but so far, Biden has only actually committed to picking a female candidate. So Cory Booker is out. And I don’t know if you’re aware, but blind obedience and loyalty are not prerequisi­tes for the job, despite what Trump might demand. I would hope that a President would value people who are smart and will challenge them on things. Personally, I hope Biden is smart enough to pick a VP who is smarter than him.

Also, those are only two of the dozen or so people who have been talked about as possibilit­ies for his “short list” and the Biden campaign has yet to even say who the finalists are.

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