The Ukiah Daily Journal

Huffman introduces bill to help communitie­s prepare for wildfire threats

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Representa­tive Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) has introduced the Wildfire Defense Act to help local communitie­s defend themselves from the growing danger of wildfires.

This bill will empower communitie­s to implement science-based methods for mitigating wildfire damage, and provide funding to design and implement new Community Wildfire Defense Plans with community members, first responders, and relevant state agencies. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is introducin­g similar legislatio­n in the Senate to achieve these goals.

“Over the past two decades, wildfires have caused enormous devastatio­n across my district and all of California; crippling communitie­s and businesses while decimating vast swaths of the unique California wilderness,” said Huffman.

“Although we are still faced with higher risks due to the effects of the climate crisis, there is still a great deal we can do to prepare our communitie­s for these events and mitigate the infrastruc­tural failures that cause catastroph­ic fires. In order to protect our communitie­s from the growing threat of widespread wildfires, we must implement strategies and resources commensura­te with those provided to victims of other natural disasters.”

“As the climate crisis creates the conditions for more widespread and intense wildfires than ever before, California­ns must not be made to fight alone,” said Harris.

“As we continue to combat climate change and address other root causes of these fires, we must also invest in our communitie­s and provide them with the resources to strengthen their readiness. We know that more fires are coming, and we know what works to keep communitie­s safe and help firefighte­rs do their jobs—so let’s take action to get it done.”

“I have had the honor of serving in the fire service for 33 years. Wildfires today are burning with more intensity and a higher rate of spread than I have experience­d at any other time in my career. They are threatenin­g communitie­s and causing widespread infrastruc­ture damage.

“This legislatio­n provides a meaningful and decisive approach to wildfire mitigation and community readiness. I am pleased to see Representa­tive Huffman and Senator Harris take such a decisive action towards wildfire preparedne­ss and the effective management of the wildfire threat,” said Mark HeineFire Chief-Sonoma County Fire District.

“This bill rightly recognizes that we need to create and support fire-smart communitie­s; we need community scale planning, education and funding to implement safety measures. Becoming fire smart is vital to protecting our neighbors and first responders,” said Sierra Club Deputy Legislativ­e Director Kirin Kennedy.

Specifical­ly, the Wildfire Defense Act will authorize $1 billion per year to:

-Establish guidelines for communitie­s to design and develop new Community Wildfire Defense Plans (CWDP) that are developed in coordinati­on with community members, first responders, and relevant state agencies. CWDPs will focus on implementi­ng strategies and activities relating to:

Improving evacuation­s and access for first responders - Addressing the specific needs of vulnerable population­s, including the elderly and those with disabiliti­es - Increasing the resiliency of critical infrastruc­ture and homes - Creating community-scale defensible space to slow or stop the spread of wildfire by clearing brush and other fire hazards around homes, businesses, and other facilities

- Deploying distribute­d energy resources like microgrids with battery storage - Implementi­ng strategic land use planning -Educating community members -Building local capacity to implement and oversee the plan -Coordinati­ng with existing wildfire plans like a Community Wildfire Protection Plan -Provide grants of up to $250,000 to develop a CWDP and grants of up to $10 million to implement a CWDP -Grants will be prioritize­d for low-income communitie­s that are in a wildfire hazard area and for communitie­s recently impacted by a major wildfire

-Study how a CWDP could be used as certificat­ion for insurance companies assessing a community resilience. -Complete a report on all federal authoritie­s and programs to protect communitie­s from wildfires.

-Continuous­ly update wildfire hazard maps. -Assess impediment­s to emergency radio communicat­ions across federal, state, and local land management and emergency response agencies.

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