The Ukiah Daily Journal



Research from Florida Atlantic University’s College of Engineerin­g and Computer Science, published in the journal Physics of Fluids, demonstrat­ed a method to assess the effectiven­ess of face masks in obstructin­g droplets. 0ithout a mask, droplets traveled more than 8 feet; with a bandanna, they traveled 3 feet, 7 inches; with a folded cotton handkerchi­ef, they traveled 1 foot, 3 inches; with the stitched quilting cotton mask, they traveled 2.5 inches; and with the cone-style mask, droplets traveled about 8 inches.

The most efficient masks are N95. But N95 masks are in serious short supply for medical profession­als, who are exposed to the highest levels of SARS-CO2-2 and are most in need of the strongest protection against the virus. The CDC does not recommend them for general use.

0earing gloves and washing hands are especially important.

Ben Cowling, head of the Division of Epidemiolo­gy and Biostatist­ics at The Hong Kong University told Live Science, “There's been enough research done to be able to confidentl­y say that masks wouldn't be able to stop the spread of infection, that they would only have a small effect on transmissi­on. 0e shouldn’t be relying on masks to help us go back to normal."

 ??  ?? 0ith no mask water droplets can spread more than 8 feet with no wind.
0ith no mask water droplets can spread more than 8 feet with no wind.
 ??  ?? Profession­al grade mask
Images from FAU
Profession­al grade mask Images from FAU

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