The Ukiah Daily Journal

Ignoring race is one thing. But let’s not ignore racial reality

- Ruben Navarrette

SAN DIEGO » It’s a holiday miracle! In 2020, some Republican­s have gone from racist to post-racial.

Certainly not every Republican is racist. Yet too many of them tolerate racism, pander to racists, and downplay the racial antics of others.

Now some in the GOP have found religion. Who knew that the party whose bread-and-butter voter is a disgruntle­d White male who feels victimized by everything from globalizat­ion to diversity training could fall so hard for the vision conveyed almost 60 years ago by a black preacher?

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” said the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous address during the 1963 March on Washington.

If I hear one more white male conservati­ve radio host appropriat­e King’s words to attack racial and ethnic diversity in everything from corporate boards to presidenti­al appointmen­ts, I’m going to scream.

From 1980 to 2020, many in the GOP didn’t judge people “by the content of their character.” Colorblind, they were not.

In the 1980’s, Republican President Ronald Reagan unleashed the Justice Department to dismantle affirmativ­e action, minority scholarshi­ps and other programs intended to expand opportunit­ies for people of color because, the argument went, these initiative­s promoted reverse discrimina­tion against White people.

In the 1990’s, Republican Gov. Pete Wilson of California pushed two racially charged initiative­s: Propositio­n 187, which sought to deny services to illegal immigrants and their children (most of whom, the campaign reminded us, are Latino); and Propositio­n 209, which eliminated racial and ethnic preference­s in state-run education, hiring and contractin­g.

In the 2000’s, Republican­s competed to see who was toughest on illegal immigratio­n (most of which comes from Mexico and Latin America). This happened, most notably, during the 2008 GOP presidenti­al primary. Meanwhile, in Congress, Republican­s opposed a hate crimes bill and legislatio­n that made it easier for plaintiffs to sue for discrimina­tion.

In the 2010s, Republican­s in Arizona and a handful of other states passed legislatio­n that empowered local and state police to use ethnic profiling in enforcing federal immigratio­n laws, while New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 on a promise to crack down on “bad hombres” bringing crime and drugs across the U.s.-mexico border.

Now, here we are in 2020. And white Republican­s want us to forget all that history and sing “Kumbaya.”

This year, when I write about race or immigratio­n, I’ve been hearing a lot from White men who support Trump and identify themselves as conservati­ves. They want me to know that they see Hispanics as “White” and U.S. citizens who are just one or two generation­s away from their immigrant roots as full-fledged Americans.

What a momentous if somewhat confusing developmen­t this must be for my parent’s tribe, the so- called Silent Generation, who are now in their late 70s and early 80s and includes President- elect Joe Biden. That generation of Hispanics — which suffered overt discrimina­tion — if full of desperate souls who spent much of their lives either trying to be White or be accepted as Americans. Now, they’ve arrived. Apparently.

This new way of thinking by White conservati­ves seems to have been triggered by a few things.

There is the 2020 U.S. Census, which is expected to record that the United States continues its march to becoming a country where — as early as 2045 — Whites will represent a statistica­l minority.

Also, in May, there was the killing of George Floyd by a White police officer in Minneapoli­s, which sparked protests and riots. It started a national conversati­on about race and policing.

Next came the 2020 election, with headlines about the complexity of the “Latino vote” and stories about how African Americans saved Biden’s presidenti­al bid in South Carolina.

Finally, let’s remember that Vice President- elect Kamala Harris is a Black woman as the daughter of immigrants.

For White men who feel displaced or marginaliz­ed, that’s a triple trigger.

Color me skeptical. But I don’t trust this conversion. This new spirit of inclusion appears fueled by the same thing that fueled decades of intoleranc­e: fear.

Only now, instead of worrying about crime or demographi­cs or invasions, White people are afraid of being replaced.

That fear is ridiculous. Just like all the others.

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