The Ukiah Daily Journal

What’s happening in the political landscape can’t be ignored


The intention of this column has always been inspiratio­nal.

Since its inception nigh 20 years ago, I have attempted to raise up; never to put down. Hopefully, I have also been able to educate, inform, and even provide a laugh now and then. To those ends, it has seemed at odds to wade into the arena of politics, as it is very difficult to be upbeat and motivation­al when mucking around in the goo that sadly has become political discourse.

Don’t get me wrong. Long-term loyal readers know that I have stuck my toe in the water a few times, but never fully immersed myself. It’s not that I don’t follow politics — oh Lord, that’s far from the truth. It’s just that there is a time and a place for everything, and this space is neither.

Yet, there are occasions when what is happening in the landscape political cannot be ignored.

This is one of those times.

I write on Wednesdays for a column showing up in print five to seven days hence. In today’s news cycle, that’s a lifetime — with events warping past at lightspeed. I mention this, knowing that what you are now reading might already be outdated. So much happens so quickly, we cannot keep up. Last week, I wrote most of my column before the invasion of our capitol. I thought about re-writing it but deadlines and the empty pit in my stomach from staring paralyzed, slack-jawed at the television as thugs invaded the People’s House, kept me from doing that. This week, however, as the vote to impeach Donald Trump for the second time is taking place while I write, I had some time to collect my thoughts; as I’m sure you have too.

Overall, to be frank, I’m frightened and I’m angry. I’m sure I speak for many.

I fear what is happening to our country. I am unsure how we will get past it. I am also angry; fistballin­g, chest-squeezing, livid at what has transpired.

We are — were? — a country based on principles of, as has been stated ad infinitum, “truth, justice, and the American Way.” However one might interpret that vagueness, we can all agree that encapsulat­ed within includes respect for others, belief in fairness, common decency, and an unwavering reverence for the law. I would like to believe it also includes the values of compassion, kindness, and acceptance. In my eyes, all of these were critically violated.

I need not make a list of grievances. In the week or so since the attack on our capitol, we’ve heard and seen them all. I don’t need to dwell on those. Rather, the intention of my column this week was to ask the more important, forward-facing question: Where to from here?

The current situation cannot hold. Said Abraham Lincoln on June

16, 1858, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” It might be 160 years later, but it’s still as accurate as it was when he accepted his party’s nomination to be Illinois’s senator.

I’m not wise enough to know the way out of this morass. I hope and pray that our elected representa­tives are. But what I know is true, is that the path forward toward healing will begin within each and every one of us. It is inherent on good people of all faiths, creeds, and parties to ask of themselves, “What is my part to play? What can I do to move us forward?”

Yes, we must identify the culprits. Yes, they must be brought to justice. But, without denying how we feel about this transgress­ion, nor giving criminals a free pass, we must also be willing to find a way to see beyond the difference­s that many of “us” have, keeping forefront in our thoughts that “us” without “me” is “them.”

It is inarguably true that there must be common ground. We have to make our collective mission, as good people everywhere, to find a way to stand on it, lifting all with outstretch­ed hands, not pummeling with closed fists.

I’m not naïve, I get it; it won’t be easy. I also know that there will be no “winners.” However, if we don’t

start within and find a way, I do know we — and our country — will all be losers.

About the author: Scott “Q” Marcus is a profession­al speaker and founder of www. Thistimeim­, where he can be contacted for coaching, consulting, and presentati­ons. During this social distancing period, he is conducting monthly online workshops on setting goals and getting past what holds you back. Find out more via his mailing list at LSSIX.

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