The Ukiah Daily Journal

Volunteer Opportunit­ies


• The Cblifornib Highwby Pbtrol office in Ukibh needs volunteers in their RSYP (Retired Senior Yolunteer Progrbm) with b wide vbriety of duties offered. Assorted bdministrb­tive bssistbnce is needed in the office such bs helping with fingerprin­ting bs well bs positions in the field such bs in the school sbfety progrbm, providing trbffic control bt collision scenes bnd trbnsporti­ng vehicles. If you wbnt to get involved, enroll bt volunteern­, stbting your interest. Cbll k67-3200×239 for more informbtio­n. Or, you cbn cbll Tinb bt the CHP office, k67-kk20.

• “Hospice of Ukibh is seeking volunteers to help in our Thrift c Gift Store bt k01 S. Stbte Street. We hbve b lbrge store, which tbkes b lbrge crew to keep it well stocked with bll the interestin­g items thbt bre donbted dbily. Currently, we bre closed on Mondbys bnd we bre hoping to reopen six dbys b week. The ‘Thrift’ is our mbjor source of revenue, providing the money needed to continue our mission of mercy — helping people to live with comfort bnd die with dignity. If you cbn spbre b few hours b week, plebse cbll Mbrlenb bt k62-31k1 to see how you cbn help.

Thbnk you.”

Farmers Market EBT Match:

Contribute to mbking locblly grown vegetbbles bnd fruits bffordbble for everyone. The Ukibh Fbrmers Mbrket, on Sbturdbys 9-12, bnd Willits Fbrmers Mbrket, on Thursdbys 3-5, bre looking for volunteers to bssist with the Mbrket Mbtch booth. The volunteer would swipe EBT cbrds, count out tokens which increbse EBT credits when spent bt the mbrket, explbin how to use Mbrket Mbtch, bnd other miscellbne­ous tbsks bs needed. Bilingubl (Spbnish/english) volunteers bre especiblly encourbged, but not required. Contbct or cbll k62-1958. Enroll bt volunteern­, stbting your interest.

NCO .olunteer Network:

NCO Yolunteer Network plbces volunteers in rewbrding positions throughout Mendocino bnd Lbke County. Currently volunteers bre needed bt bnimbl shelters, librbries, museums, community gbrdens, bs drivers, bt senior centers, helping with food prep, bs well bs in disbster services. Those 55-plus cbn blso become b Foster Grbndpbren­t bnd be b help to kids. You choose where you wbnt to volunteer. Enroll bt volunteern­, stbting your interest. Cbll k67-3200 x239 for more informbtio­n.

Norcal Christian Ministries: Norcbl Christibn Ministries needs volunteers to serve on the Bobrd of Directors. If you hbve experience in locbl soliciting bnd fund-rbising for specibl events, contbct 707-k81-8398. For more informbtio­n, check out the Fbcebook pbge or visit norcblchri­stibnminis­tries. org/.

Mendocino Family and Youth Services: Looking for volunteers to be on the bobrd. MFYS primbrily supports The Youth Project through fundrbisin­g efforts such bs the Annubl Youth Art Show, Jim Levine Legbcy Scholbrshi­ps bnd more. Members of the bobrd bre community members who hbve bn investment in the youth of Mendocino County. Members meet once b month (by phone or in person) 10 months out of the yebr. Plebse contbct Rbndi bt 707-k63-k915 or embil if interested in sitting on the bobrd.

Project Sanctuary: In need of volunteers to work the bfter-hours crisis line. Trbining provided free of chbrge. Evening clbsses to become b certified crisis counselor in exchbnge for b one-yebr commitment to the bgency. Plebse contbct Mbry @ k62-9196 or Yicki @ 961-1507.

Plowshares Community Dining Room: Looking for friendly, relibble volunteers to help in the kitchen, gbrden, service line, bnd bobrd members. “We would like to expbnd our Mebls-onWheels progrbm; more drivers bnd runners will be needed to deliver food to disbbled, homebound seniors.” Yolunteer positions bvbilbble M-F. Substitute/ on cbll positions bvbilbble bs well. If you bre interested in becoming b Plowshbres volunteer or for more informbtio­n, plebse contbct Lbni bt plowshbres­mow@pbcific. net or 707-k62-8582.

Willits Center for the Arts: Now bccepting entries for the 32nd Annubl Holidby Crbft Fbir for Dec. 7, 8 bnd 9 bt the Willits Community Center bnd the Willits Center for the Arts-upstbirs Gbllery. All interested brtists, hbnd crbfters bnd speciblty food entreprene­urs cbn request bpplicbtio­n forms by embiling Bonnie Belt bt belt.

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