The Ukiah Daily Journal

Husband not courteous when smoking pot

- By Harriette Cole

Dear Harriette: I am at my wits' end. My husband is a pot smoker. That is not news. But ever since quarantine started two years ago and we found ourselves at home all day together, he has smoked pot nearly every day — morning, noon and night. It is no longer recreation­al. There seems to be a permanent waft of pot smoke going through our apartment, and I can't stand it. I work all day at my computer. The last thing I want to smell is weed as I'm pitching to clients. He is barely working and sits around watching

Youtube all day and puffing. I have asked him not to smoke all day, to make sure he lights a candle before he smokes and basically to be more courteous. He just gets mad. We do not have a backyard, so whenever he smokes, the stinky cloud wafts through our whole apartment. I'm sick of it. What can I do? — Pot-free Zone

Dear Pot-free Zone: The things that bothered us when we first met someone — spouses included — tend to be the very ones that linger years later. And so it goes with your husband and his weed. His frequency of use may have changed, but not the basic behavior. Quarantine was hard on a lot of households. Many people whose jobs were diminished developed unhealthy habits, like daylong weed smoking, much to the dismay of those living with them.

I'm sorry that you did not establish house rules at the beginning of quarantine, but it sounds like you need to set some now — starting with no smoking in the house before a particular time. Point out how disruptive it is for you as you are working. Suggest that he do things that get him out of the house. That could be anything from looking for work to taking a walk, spending time with friends or going to the gym.

You may not be able to curb his smoking entirely, but if you agitate every time he smokes during the day, you may be able to annoy him enough to limit his usage.

Harriette Cole is a lifestylis­t and founder of DREAMLEAPE­RS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to askharriet­te@ harriettec­ or c/o Andrews Mcmeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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