The Ukiah Daily Journal

Societal cancer

- By Crispin B. Hollinshea­d Crispin B. Hollinshea­d lives in Ukiah. This and previous articles can be found at cbhollinsh­

In a healthy body, every cell works in harmony, contributi­ng to the larger system, being supported in exchange. When an individual cell is traumatize­d by radiation, chemicals, or stress, it grows abnormally, out of harmony. Growing for itself, at the expense of the larger whole, it can eventually kill the host. This is defined as cancer.

Similarly, a healthy society supplies members with both a meaningful way to contribute as well as providing support and opportunit­y for the essentials of life. Our capitalist democracy is a relatively recent solution for this challenge. Just like a cell, humans can be traumatize­d, producing a distorted perspectiv­e on the world, leading to selfish actions out of synch with not only their personal needs, but with larger societal needs as well. When traumatize­d people rise to positions of power, the dysfunctio­n spreads or metastasiz­es.

Former President Trump is a malignant narcissist, a psychologi­cal response to early childhood trauma, raised to believe a person is either a killer or a loser. Since he must never be a loser, the 2020 election must have been stolen. This delusion is sad in a normal person, but as president, he was able to coerce others into believing his lie, turning a sadness into a societal cancer.

Traumatize­d people are often eager to follow a strong leader, someone who will tell them the rules, define what is true, and make difficult decisions for them. Trump found lots of supporters, ranging from run of the mill citizens to Republican “leaders,” willing to believe whatever they were told.

The January 6th House hearings continue to show that numerous people and courts tried to tell Trump the truth. We have heard how some honorable Republican­s held true to their values, and refused Trump as he demanded they lie and cheat. But Trump persisted in his sick delusion, willing to destroy the entire society rather than grow up. As his frustratio­n grew, he supported more bizarre, increasing­ly violent, schemes to force through his lie that the election was stolen. Trump decided that Georgian poll workers had stuffed ballot boxes, and publicized their names and addresses. Armed men broke in to make “citizens arrests,” believing they were “patriots.”

Unfortunat­ely, lies and undemocrat­ic activities are not limited to Trump. Republican­s

who thwarted Trump have been expunged from the party, labeled as RINO, and even advertised as targets for “hunting season,” by Republican “leaders.” Republican members of Congress have lied about their activities, and requested pardons for actions they knew were illegal. We have all seen the tapes and heard the recordings, so we know. Several hundred million dollars were raised for the “Stop The Steal” fund, which never existed, and instead went directly into Trump's pocket. Right wing terrorists are increasing­ly resorting to violence, a fascist favorite, to get what they want.

The belief in the Big Lie that the election was stolen still persists, threatenin­g to destroy democracy as we have known it. When a political party decides that cheating and violence are appropriat­e responses to losing an election, we have reverted to thuggery, and civil society is lost. We now see the Republican “vision” for America.

The Republican Supreme Court announced the repeal of Roe vs. Wade, making abortions illegal in 18 states almost immediatel­y, with plans to limit access to contracept­ion. Abruptly removing 50 years of rights institutio­nalizes misogyny, suppressin­g women back to the dark ages as nothing more than breeders for the State, and lays the foundation for a massive State security system. With human overpopula­tion killing the planet faster every year, this is insane, but Republican “leaders” fear women.

The same week, the Court made it easier for people to carry concealed weapons everywhere, protecting gun corporatio­n profits. The Court intends to curtail the US response to climate change, accelerati­ng climate destructio­n while protecting fossil fuel corporatio­n profits. The Court desires privatizat­ion of Medicare and Social Security, protecting profits for health insurance corporatio­ns, Wall Street, and Republican billionair­e donors. All of these actions are opposed by a solid twothird majority of Americans, but Republican “leaders” no longer care.

This next election will determine the fate of our nation. I urge everyone to register and then VOTE! I urge all Republican­s of integrity to seriously consider if this Republican “leadership” speaks for you, infected as it is by obscene money and Trump's thuggish cancer.

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