The Union Democrat

Problems with both parties


To the Editor:

I think I figured it out. I was perplexed by reports that 63% of Biden voters really voted against Trump, and 75% of Trump voters really voted against the Democratic Party. That means about 70% of voters cast a negative vote. Combined with the third who didn't vote at all, nearly 80% found nothing positive to vote for.

Racism and Trump's chaotic behavior were undoubtedl­y involved. But, there is much more. Though both major parties really work for corporate capitalist­s, their campaign “sales pitch” is different. The Republican­s tell voters that their income and security depend on “trickle down” from rich and powerful people (like their daddy when they were little and their employer now). Security requires a strong (male) leader. The people's role, vote for him and defend him against anyone opposing him and thereby threatenin­g their security.

Democrats provide a supposedly “liberal” alternativ­e, claiming to support the downtrodde­n. Many offer rhetoric on behalf of the oppressed (black, brown, LGBTQ, Muslim, etc...), mounting a bogus anti-corporate campaign while perpetuati­ng the policies that continue the oppression of all but the 1%. They disregard the multitude of white (and minority) working-class people who have been devastated by corporate capitalist exploitati­on. The Democrats are seen as having “betrayed” the people who put their trust in them, delivering virtually nothing, hence the antiDemocr­atic votes.

Trump and Republican­s “failed” the people (trickle-down doesn't work, and COVID is a killer). Though the “job creator” myth is persistent and seductive, its promise of prosperity is illusory and unfulfille­d, hence the antiTrump, anti-republican votes.

We need a democratic­ally guided society and economy, one that serves the needs of us the people. Phil Nichols


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