The Union Democrat

Trump's biggest lie


To the Editor:

This county's majority trusted the White House about COVID. Surprise — the “flu” is not gone after Nov. 4 as promised! Rather, record hospitaliz­ation and death reports pour in across the country. A Dakota man, deceived by the rhetoric, couldn't believe on his deathbed the “hoax” was responsibl­e. A Texas father at the end bitterly declared he never should have trusted.

Rural America lacks adequate pandemic health care. Yet, Trump downplayed COVID while preying upon us all, offering a false choice between health and economy. His reelection depended on the big lie. He discourage­d that which would help avoid lockdowns and facilitate economic survival — masking, social distancing and testing. He stoked anger, urging citizens to “rise up,” not be victims of, and not accept state health restrictio­ns on “freedom.” By arguing the cure was worse than the disease, he made the winter pandemic orders of magnitude worse. We are his victims.

Did he decently throw us a life ring after throwing us into the raging torrent? Atlas shrugs, Trump golfs while Rome burns, and Mcconnell just says no. The Senate won't even vote on stimulus programs which each passed the House, or amend them! Mitch and Donald squabble while your health and finances are destroyed.

Though Donald would, our citizens “would never… fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts... may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt… waver and... think that there may be some other explanatio­n... [T] he grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact... known to all expert liars...” (Mein Kampf) Now, Trump “wins” again. If he said so, it must be true. Steve Monroe


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