The Union Democrat

The GOP'S shameful complicity


To the Editor:

The prevaricat­or in chief, the lyin' king, continues trying to undermine our democracy and 88% of GOP members of Congress say “don't know” when asked who won the election, really? What world do they live in — Trumpivers­e? And now we have Republican attorneys generals in 17 states backing a lawsuit filed by Texas AG Paxton seeking to block the certificat­ion of electors of four (not Texas) states. What? On the basis of what? That all mail-in ballots in those four states should be disqualifi­ed, an option specifical­ly approved by these Republican legislator­s earlier in the year? Unbelievab­le, disgusting.

I used to occasional­ly vote for a Republican, but after years of witnessing their brazen disregard for common sense, decency, societal equity, facts, in pursuit of maintainin­g power — no matter the cost — there's no way I could ever vote for a member of a party that is complicit in what appears to be an effort to destroy our democracy, in order to avoid the wrath of an increasing­ly deranged would-be despot. Not all are all-in, but to not disavow what's going on at the top is unconscion­able, inexcusabl­e.

There are many conservati­ve ideas that I believe have merit, but it doesn't appear that the modern “GOP” holds these in high regard, their current overriding principle appears to be maintainin­g power by genuflecti­ng to Trump. The most important principle that should be upheld, our constituti­onal right to vote (and the results respected), is being completely ignored and disparaged. What a disgrace. Terril Spitze

Twain Harte

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