The Union Democrat

Going for everything on the first day


Happy New Year. At least we can feel confident that this year will be much better than last. Let's hope we are all vaccinated quickly so that life — and bridge — can go back to normal.

Today's deal caused problems at Bridge Base Online, where we have all been playing during the pandemic.

How should the auction proceed after the given start?

At some tables, North rebid three no-trump, which feels wrong with such a good hand for diamonds. Others rebid three diamonds, which is better. But then South bid three no-trump, and North passed. Although North has only 9 points, the four trumps (guaranteei­ng at least a nine-card fit), side-suit singleton and heart ace are pluses. Over three clubs, I like North's rebidding four diamonds to show a good hand for that strain. Then six or maybe even seven diamonds will be reached.

The defenders' cards are favorably distribute­d. South wins the spade king with his ace, plays a heart to the ace and continues with the heart queen, planning to discard his second spade. Here, though, East covers with the king. South ruffs, cashes both minor-suit aces, ruffs a club on the board, pitches his low spade on the heart jack and ruffs a spade.

To make six from here isn't hard. Declarer ruffs a club, plays a trump to his king and leads out clubs from the top. West gets one trump trick.

Making seven is more difficult. After that last spade ruff, declarer must cash the club king, ruff a club, ruff a spade and lead his high club eight to make the last two tricks on a crossruff.

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