The Union Democrat

America's wake-up call


To the Editor:

A “perfect” wake-up call comes to America from “T,” looking for votes in all the wrong places. Countless good Americans now realize how fragile our democracy is, and how his deceit betrays the honest support they gave him. “T” won the “stolen” election by a landslide, but criminally solicits Georgia officials to “recalculat­e” after two recounts and an audit to “find” enough votes for him. How can they commit crimes for him if they are disgracefu­l and resign like he wants?

Attacking loyal supporters who now disagree with him extends to prioritizi­ng democracy over dictatorsh­ip. Minions accuse the VP, Mcconnell and the chief justice of treason, supporting execution for Pence. Were this not the U.S., these officials would be in concentrat­ion camps.

For four years, “T's” cons promised the best healthcare with plans at specific future times, in some cases only weeks away. No legislatio­n, even in this pandemic, was introduced.

Just like the virus which would disappear post-election, the gigantic ongoing Russian hack is “under control.”

Twenty million vaccinatio­ns by Dec. 31 is now the states' problem because it was never true, as was testing for everyone who wanted one. Meanwhile, “T” golfs endlessly, calling escalating deaths “fake news.”

The DOJ'S pardon evaluation process is ignored so “T” can corruptly pardon those not cooperatin­g with law enforcemen­t. Even his attorney general said Manafort was a “righteous prosecutio­n.”

The New York Post's call (from those who also control Fox News) to acknowledg­e defeat and stop hurting America is ignored.

This last lie is the big one. To get power to ostensibly give you all he promised, he needed you to let him take away the Constituti­on. He just didn't tell you that's how it works.

Steve Monroe Sonora

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