The Union Democrat

For many cases of gastropare­sis, no cause is identified

- Keith Roach, M.D. Email Dr. Roach, M.D., at Toyourgood­health@ med.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed a few years ago with gastropare­sis, and I took domperidon­e for a while. The medicine didn't change anything, so I discontinu­ed it. I've had stomach-emptying tests, colonoscop­ies and endoscopie­s looking for answers. I have pain in my upper-right abdomen and also occasional­ly get a cramp in the muscle in that area at times.

My most recent issues started last year, and include never being hungry and feeling no urge to empty my bladder unless I'm going to have bowel movement — then it's an urgent feeling to urinate. I recently had a scan of my upper abdomen with no answers. I've spoken to a gastroente­rologist, primary care and gynecologi­st, and no one seems to have an answer. I can go all day without eating and never get hungry. I eat because I know I need to, but it's hard when there is no hunger. My weight has been stable for a few years.

I'm 74 years old, don't have diabetes and am fairly active with golf and walking on my treadmill. I have looked online and learned that nerves may be involved in not signaling my stomach nor my bladder to empty. Where should I go next? — C.H.

ANSWER: “Gastropare­sis” comes from the Greek roots meaning “no stomach movement.” Although diabetes is a common cause for this uncommon ailment, most people do not have an identifiab­le cause of gastropare­sis.

Some medication­s can trigger it, and some cases start shortly after a viral infection. You are correct that in the vast majority of cases, the underlying issue seems to be in the nervous control of stomach and intestinal movement, but what exactly produces this remains unknown. I am not sure whether the source of your gastropare­sis is also at the root of your urinary symptoms.

Dietary changes help some people. Fatty foods and food with high fiber content tend to cause worsening of symptoms. Acidic and spicy foods can be irritating for many as well. Excess air (such as seltzer water or other carbonated drinks) should be avoided, and both tobacco and alcohol often worsen symptoms, and should be avoided.

When medication treatment is needed, many experts use metoclopra­mide. Long-term use of this drug may be complicate­d by a severe movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia. Domperidon­e is said to be an excellent treatment for many, but it is not available in the U.S. (you are in Canada), so I have not used it. Unfortunat­ely, it didn't work for you. I have had very good success in many patients with the antibiotic erythromyc­in. It's not that there is any infection involved; rather, one of the side effects is increased stomach motility (many people notice nausea or diarrhea with erythromyc­in due to this side effect).

One treatment of last resort is called cisapride, but it has a very serious potential side effect of a dangerous heart rhythm. Only experts can prescribe this medication through a limitedacc­ess program from the manufactur­er.

Finally, the combinatio­n of your urinary symptoms and gastropare­sis suggests an underlying neurologic­al issue. Multiple sclerosis can cause both the urinary symptoms you have and gastropare­sis, although this would be an extremely unusual presentati­on. A visit to a neurologis­t might be worthwhile.

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