The Union Democrat

Mcclintock’s hypocrisy on Jan. 6 committee

- Gary Sipperley Twain Harte

To the Editor,

In a June 15 floor speech, our congressma­n, Tom McClintock, compared the committee investigat­ing the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on with the Nazis’ use of the investigat­ion of the 1933 Reichstag fire to consolidat­e their power.

The investigat­ion is, he says, “A sick mockery of the principles of fairness and due process that this House is founded upon …” He calls it a “Soviet-style showtrial.” Tommy calling out fairness and due process should be funny. It isn’t.

He was fine with six House investigat­ions of Benghazi — all loaded with Republican majorities — that were designed to bring Hillary Clinton down (just ask Kevin Mccarthy: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?”). But this one, investigat­ing an attempted American coup, is bad?

When he had the chance to vote to establish an independen­t bipartisan “9/11-style” commission to investigat­e Jan. 6, he voted no. But he complains that the committee doing the investigat­ion now is partisan.

In the same speech, he repeats lies spread by Sean Hannity and Donnie Trump. “Four days before the riot, President Trump offered the use of National Guard troops to keep the peace. The Democrat leadership turned it down.”

Wrong, Tom. No congressio­nal official or body has the authority to activate or decline National Guard service. Yet another lie.

He then refers to the “Russian collusion hoax,” you know, the one where 13 Russians and three companies were indicted for interferin­g with our 2016 election. That’s a hoax, Tom?

This is the career politician who has done nothing in his adult life other than run for office, the guy who can’t even bring himself to live in the district he claims to represent. A guy who would surely vote for the same “profile-in-courage, Ihate-the-insurrecti­on, then kiss-trump’s-ring” Kevin Mccarthy for Speaker should the Republican­s gain the House. Please! Don’t send Mcclintock back to Washington!

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