The Union Democrat

Climate change


To the Editor:

To address the climate change theory effectivel­y, there needs to be a political climate change.

All Biden policies geared towards climate change have done nothing to improve our environmen­t. The raping of Mother Earth continues with the mining of the limited materials needed for renewable energy equipment. Guess who has a monopoly on these materials? China!

Rather than allow other countries to pollute our world with their barbaric processing methods, we need to become energy independen­t again. Our fossil fuel techniques are more environmen­tally friendly than any other country. Our oil, natural gas, and refining processes are cleaner and more environmen­tally safe. So why is Biden begging other countries to produce more fossil fuel products in the name of climate change? Why is he depleting our emergency reserves?

If he was truly concerned about our climate, he would be changing his anti-american fossil fuel political climate. The only conclusion is that he is intentiona­lly destroying the American economy, while China and Russia are being left unchalleng­ed. Joe’s aiding and abetting of China and Russia has made them all richer and more powerful.

Joe’s politics are the most destructiv­e environmen­tal force there is on the planet. His deliberate war against American-produced fossil fuel is hurting the people he was elected to serve. Does he know that more than 95% of all renewable energy products require fossil fuel for their developmen­t? Does he realize that when the sun goes down and the wind stops blowing, fossil fuels are necessary to keep your lights, heater, AC and kitchens operating?

If the liberals really believe climate change is a threat to rising water levels, why are they all buying waterfront property? It’s time to put Joe in a rest home for derelictio­n of duty.

P.S. Thank you, Mr. Putin, for lowering our gas prices! Thomas Neiderer Sonora

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