The Union Democrat

Firehouse drama


To the Editor:

Columbia Fire Protection District’s newest director, Barry Rudolph, is acting like a bully. He is putting politics over people. His personal attacks on fellow elected board members are despicable, below the belt and disrespect­ful. Just who does Rudolph think he is anyway? Are we supported to bow down just because he’s a retired Cal Fire captain?

Rather than dealing with the facts, he comes storming in making accusation­s based on assumption­s. We all know what making assumption­s does.

If Mr. Rudolph had done some honest research, he would have a better understand­ing of the situation. Did he know that:

1. The COVID pandemic ended the district’s ability to keep firefighte­rs on 24/7 duty.

2. The district has been well managed for many years while operating on an annual tax revenue and parcel fees of only $80,000. The parcel fee sunsets in June.

3. The district augmented its revenue by responding to out of district calls and getting reimbursed for those calls. COVID prevented the district from doing out of district calls.

4. The district requested emergency county funding and was twice denied.

Rudolph should question why the county gave Groveland Fire District almost $1.5 million but none to Columbia FPD. He should question why the state does not contribute one dime to the fire district, even though the state park is the largest property owner in the district. There are a lot of things Barry Rudolph should know. Perhaps he should know how to have respect and considerat­ion for others.

What this writer wants to know is why The Union Democrat reporter did not interview the other two board members or a representa­tive of the Columbia Engine Co. before writing an article that creates a negative view of the CFPD and Engine Co.?

Robert “Bob” Sanger


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