The Week (US)

Georgia: Was its election legitimate?


If Georgia’s governor election had happened in another country, said Carol Anderson in TheAtlanti­, the U.S. State Department “would not have hesitated to question its legitimacy.” Republican Brian Kemp won a narrow 55,000vote victory (out of nearly 4 million votes cast) over Democrat Stacey Abrams, who would have been the first black woman elected governor of any state. But as Georgia’s secretary of state, Kemp oversaw the election he was running in. All told, “the voter suppressio­n king” purged more than 1.5 million voters from the rolls for not voting in recent elections, disproport­ionately affecting low-income and minority voters. Kemp also suspended 53,000 registrati­ons that did not exactly match state databases, said Ari Berman in MotherJone­ On Election Day, many voters waited more than four hours to cast ballots because county officials have shut down 214 polling places since 2014, most of them in predominan­tly black neighborho­ods. “We’ll probably never know how many people were disenfranc­hised.”

Sorry, but Abrams “lost fair and square,” said Rich Lowry in NationalRe­ It was perfectly legal under Georgia’s state constituti­on for Kemp to remain secretary of state while running for governor. The Supreme Court has also upheld the “use it or lose it” rules that Kemp used to purge nonvoters, which prevents fraud by keeping the rolls up to date. As for the suspended registrati­ons, those voters were still able to cast provisiona­l ballots if they had photo ID. “Everyone knew the rules beforehand, and they weren’t unreasonab­le.” Neverthele­ss, while Abrams has acknowledg­ed that Kemp is the “legal” governorel­ect, she pointedly refuses to call his election “legitimate.” Apparently, “the Left can’t decide whether it opposes casting doubt on election results or insists on it.”

Kemp’s actions were undeniably “odious,” said Richard Hasen in, but Abrams and her allies need to stop suggesting that the election was “stolen.” That kind of rhetoric only feeds into the “growing cycle of mistrust and delegitimi­zation of the election process” promoted by President Trump, who might very well claim that the 2020 election is illegitima­te. Instead, Democrats should focus their efforts on making it easier for everyone to vote and convincing people why that’s important, regardless of who wins. Our democracy “depends on losers accepting election results, even if the election was not conducted perfectly.”

 ??  ?? Kemp: Purged 1.5 million voters
Kemp: Purged 1.5 million voters

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