The Week (US)

Facebook: Growing too close to Trump?


An “alliance of convenienc­e” has been forged between the White House and the world’s largest social network, said Sarah Frier and Kurt Wagner in Bloomberg Businesswe­ek. “Facebook executives often point out that the company was seen as overly friendly to Democrats during the Obama years,” and the Right continues to levy accusation­s of “anticonser­vative bias.” But employees have grown increasing­ly outspoken about a pattern of ignoring misinforma­tion spread on the platform by President Trump and his supporters. Facebook made “rules against giving incorrect informatio­n about how to vote, but then froze when Trump actually put it to the test” in May. Facebook’s head of policy, Joel Kaplan, vetoed a tweak of the news-feed algorithm after traffic began to drop for right-wing news outlets such as Fox and Breitbart. More recently, Facebook “seemed to back off” its voter registrati­on efforts this summer after Republican­s complained, reducing a two-day July 4 promotion across all its platforms to “a one-day push on Facebook alone.”

Facebook’s closeness with government­s isn’t confined to the U.S., said Craig Silverman in BuzzFeedNe­ Sophie Zhang, a former Facebook data scientist, wrote a 6,600-word memo “filled with concrete examples” of government officials manipulati­ng the platform to sway political opinion. Zhang, who turned down a $64,000 severance to avoid signing a nondispara­gement agreement, described a “lack of desire from senior leadership to protect democratic processes.” How much longer will we put up with this? asked Jamelle Bouie in The New

York Times. Though “lucrative for its founder,” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has been “a disaster for the world itself.” Like industrial-age steel companies that dumped waste into waterways, “Facebook pumps paranoia and disinforma­tion into the body politic, the toxic byproduct of its relentless drive for profit.”

What really bothers the Left about Facebook isn’t an attack on democracy, said Michael Brendan Dougherty in National Review. Liberals adored Facebook a decade ago when they believed it would “create progressiv­e revolution­s across the globe.” They are angry now because while most news outlets “tilt toward the center-Left or Left,” Facebook is “a place where conservati­ves can talk, and share ideas.” The Left’s real hope is that Facebook can be forced to censor these conservati­ve views. Facebook is in an “unwinnable position” here: If it appeases progressiv­es with censorship, angry Republican­s will have a case for repealing Section 230, the legislatio­n that protects Facebook from lawsuits and liability.

Facebook’s business model is the real problem, said Pat Garofalo in “Sensationa­lized content is how Facebook makes money.” The longer you stay on Facebook, the more ads you see and “the more money it pockets.” The most effective way to get you to stay on the site is to “hook you on addictive content,” such as conspiracy theories and partisan rage. So Facebook has little incentive to curb extremist groups. “As with many of the problems Facebook causes, potential solutions run up against its profit motive.”

 ??  ?? Zuckerberg: Staying on Trump’s good side
Zuckerberg: Staying on Trump’s good side

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