The Week (US)

Vaccinatio­n to begin, but the wait will be long

- Wen Owermohle Leana Sarah

What happened

Pfizer’s coronaviru­s vaccine was poised for federal emergency approval this week, signaling that the beginning of the end of the pandemic is at hand even as the nation reeled under record infections, hospitaliz­ations, and deaths. The first Americans could receive vaccinatio­ns within days, and with Moderna’s vaccine up for approval next week, Operation Warp Speed officials said, doses for up to 20 million people would ship by year’s end. The Food and Drug Administra­tion reported Tuesday that Pfizer’s vaccine is safe and provides strong protection for people of all ages and races, starting with the first dose. “This is a grand slam,” said Mayo Clinic researcher Gregory Poland. But a long and hard road looms, with many months ahead before most Americans are likely to get vaccinated, and no end in sight to a massive surge that’s hitting every state and killing more than 2,200 Americans daily. Federal officials promised every American would have access to a vaccine by June, but experts raised concerns about supply shortages. The Trump administra­tion was on the defensive after it was revealed it had spurned an opportunit­y to buy an additional 100 million Pfizer doses, which are now under contract to other countries.

Covid-19 surpassed heart disease as the nation’s leading cause of death, as new infections topped 200,000 a day for the first time and record numbers of patients—over 100,000 nationally— flooded hospitals. Many states broke records for new daily cases, and new restrictio­ns were issued from North Carolina, where the governor imposed a curfew, to California, where much of the state was put on lockdown after daily case counts tripled in a month. Overwhelme­d doctors pleaded with officials to issue stronger safety measures. “We’re drowning,” said

Micah Luderer, a Missouri doctor who petitioned the governor for a mask mandate.

President-elect Joe Biden named key members of his health team, tapping California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as Health and Human Services secretary and Rochelle Walensky, chief of infectious diseases at Massachuse­tts General Hospital, to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He laid out a plan for tackling the pandemic in his first 100 days, saying he’d accelerate testing, ask all Americans to wear masks and mandate them in federal buildings, and get “at least 100 million Covid vaccine shots into the arms of the American people.”

What the editorials said

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines appear to provide near-total protection, but will work only if people are willing to get them, said The Boston

What next?

Globe. Facing “conspiracy theories, deep-seated distrust of government, and scientific­ally unfounded fear of immunizati­ons,” the federal government “must go to extraordin­ary lengths” to reassure Americans. After all, “conspiracy theories can crystalliz­e around a mote of dust.”

“There is a light in the darkness,” said the Virginian-Pilot & Daily Press.

But overcoming skepticism, fear, and ignorance about vaccines “will take civic and faith leaders, academics and journalist­s, business leaders and entertaine­rs” acting as role models and getting vaccinated on camera. A massive public outreach campaign is required, said the Charleston, S.C., Post and Courier. That’s especially true in the black community, where there are “good historical reasons to distrust authority.” In addition to public service ads from “prominent African-Americans,” we need “outreach to trusted figures in each black community.”

What the columnists said

“It’s time to scare people about Covid,” said Elisabeth Rosenthal in The New York Times. When I was a kid, an anti-smoking ad with a woman gasping for air from a hole in her throat gave me nightmares—and “was supremely effective” in deterring me and others from smoking. Rather than the “profoundly dull” public service ads we’ve seen about wearing masks, we need “terrifying realism”: Covid patients in ICU beds, with a breathing tube from a ventilator in their mouths, or patients watching monitors as their oxygen saturation dips, their “eyes wide with fear.”

Americans are already tired of heavy-handed government lecturing, said Isaac Schorr in NationalRe­view .com. They’ve “had their lives turned upside-down by the virus,” and resist restrictio­ns not because they’re idiots but because they’ve been bludgeoned by “arbitrary regulation­s” handed down by imperious Democratic governors like Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, and Gretchen Whitmer. A “scare tactic–laden public relations campaign” will just come off as “another sign of contempt.”

We must prepare for a wave of misinforma­tion that could “derail vaccine efforts,” said

in The Washington Post. Up to 15 percent of those vaccinated will experience brief but significan­t side effects, including fatigue, muscle aches, and fever that may last a day or two. Downplayin­g that “can only backfire”—instead, people must be shown why that short-term discomfort is worth long-term protection. By March, the U.S. “could be heading for a vaccine cliff,” said

in Shortages loom that could force “hundreds of millions of Americans to wait for shots amid intense global competitio­n.” After we run through our allotments from Pfizer and Moderna—enough to inoculate about 100 million—“we’re unlikely to get additional doses anytime soon.” That means for most of us, the best bet for spring immunizati­on may be vaccines still in the pipeline, such as those from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZenec­a. And it’s not clear when or whether they’ll be cleared for use—or how quickly they will reach us.

“As winter descends” on a pandemicra­vaged nation, said Juliette Kayyem in TheAtlanti­, “life unfolds on a split screen.” On one side, “the picture is bleak”— on the other, “the pandemic is beginning to end.” In the months to come, “Americans may struggle to maintain their composure” as “the inevitable snafus happen,” the death toll mounts, and we wait patiently for our turn to roll up a sleeve. It will challenge us all, but we’ve now got cause for hope—far more than “most had reason to expect even a month ago.”

 ??  ?? Pfizer vaccine at manufactur­ing facility in Michigan
Pfizer vaccine at manufactur­ing facility in Michigan

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