The Week (US)

It must be true...The


■ An Alaska woman sat down on an outhouse toilet and was bitten by a bear. Shannon Stevens had been snowmobili­ng with her brother when she visited the remote outhouse. “Something bit my butt right as I sat down,” Stevens said. Her brother, Erik, ran to her aid. “I opened the toilet seat and there’s just a bear face just right there,” he said. A wildlife official said Stevens “could be the only person on Earth that this has ever happened to.”

■ A Ukrainian couple who handcuffed themselves together for

123 days in a bid to help their rocky relationsh­ip have cut off their shackles and split up. Don’t “repeat what we have done,” Viktoria Pustovitov­a warned other couples. The 29-year-old beautician said having no personal space was wearying, but the real issue was that even when chained to him, she didn’t get enough of Alexandr Kudlay’s attention. “He did not tell me, ‘I miss you,’ while I would like to hear that.” Kudlay, a car salesman, said the experiment made him realize “we are totally different.”

■ A 19-year-old drawn by an ad for an inexpensiv­e two-bedroom apartment unwittingl­y moved into an Arkansas retirement community. After moving in, said Madison Kohout , “I thought it was a bit weird that all of my neighbors were significan­tly older than me.” But she reports numerous benefits to living with seniors, including neighbors offering home-cooked meals and the freedom to “play music whenever I want to, because some of them can’t hear.”

■ A Danish artist who was given $83,000 worth of Danish kroner by a museum to use in an artwork pocketed the cash and submitted two blank canvases titled Take the Money and Run. The Kunsten Museum of Modern Art gave artist Jens Haaning the cash to use in a work on labor and money. After submitting the cashless canvases, Haaning explained, “The artwork is that I have taken the money. The breach of contract is part of the work.”

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