The Week (US)

Former aides’ ‘duty to warn’

- Jennifer Rubin The Washington Post

Not all Republican­s have “fallen in line to endorse Donald Trump,” said Jennifer Rubin. Those who witnessed and were horrified by his “outbursts, mindset, and personal depravity” in the White House have “a duty to warn” Americans that he’s unfit for office. Former Attorney General Bill Barr has called Trump “a consummate narcissist” and “petty man” who “will always put his interests ahead of the country’s.” Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has revealed that Trump suggested “we shoot Americans in the street” during the 2020 George Floyd protests. Former Chief of Staff John Kelly has said Trump admires “murderous dictators,” mocks U.S. military personnel as suckers, and “has no idea what America stands for.” Former national security adviser John Bolton has said “there will be celebratio­ns in the Kremlin” if Trump is reelected. These lifelong Republican­s need not endorse Joe Biden. But they and other former top aides should “band together, travel the country,” and appear in ads that hammer home a simple but powerful message: “Trump is mentally unfit to serve.” A “unified and consistent” effort might reach “soft Republican­s” who are considerin­g voting for Trump despite their misgivings. “Our democracy could depend on it.”

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