The Weekly Vista

REV. MARK VOLL Politics in Bella Vista continues to divide us

- Mark Voll is pastor of the Village Bible Evangelica­l Free Church. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

When I’m preparing a sermon to preach and I’m studying the scriptural text before me, I’m asking, “God, what are You communicat­ing in these words that those who hear them need to understand and apply to their lives?”

I thought I’d use a similar approach with this month’s Weekly Vista article, asking the question, “God, what do the folks reading this need to hear from You, and to understand and apply to their lives?”

Here’s what I heard in my spirit.

Bella Vista, we have a problem. The nature of politics, which seems dependent on creating and exploiting division, is underminin­g what ought to be our collective goal — a better community for its residents and those who will choose to make Bella Vista their home. We’re playing right into the hands of the enemies of civility and cooperatio­n. There’s so much fighting among those who ought to be allies in the common struggle for a greater Bella Vista that the enemy can just sit back and wait for us to destroy ourselves.

And if politics wasn’t already a powerful divider, social media has joined forces with it and made it even more destructiv­e and divisive. It saddens me that very few can have a constructi­ve exchange of ideas and opinions without resorting to name-calling and broad-stroked presumptiv­e insults. We can do better. We must do better.

Political tunnel vision keeps us from seeing the beauty around us every day, the attributes of good, caring, talented people who inhabit our city, and the changing demographi­cs that call for new strategies and services.

We’re not going to get there unless we reject politics as usual and start contributi­ng positively to the conversati­on. New paradigms and processes for solving problems should be a priority.

Let’s not allow Bella Vista to become a victim of death by politics. Let’s defeat that enemy by rejecting the notion that there’s no common ground, only sides to be defended.

There you have it. I get to write this article because I’m a Bella Vista pastor willing to write a monthly article embracing Biblical wisdom and encouragem­ent.

I’m also a Bella Vista resident who sees the beauty of this place and its people every day, with an even greater potential yet to be discovered and enjoyed.

All we see and all we have comes from the gracious hand of God and, like it or not, we’re caretakers of it. It requires us to figure out how to preserve, protect, promote and propagate the blessing that is Bella Vista.

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