The Weekly Vista

POA needs realistic spending


I couldn’t have said it better than the writer of the Letter to the Editor in the May 31 Vista regarding the excessive spending going on in Bella Vista titled “Impulse Spending.”

Last year’s vote for the assessment increase was based upon needing the funds for the Rejuvenati­on Plan by the new general manager and the board. But, as the writer said in his letter, it has seemed strange that even though the assessment increase failed, we are still proceeding at full speed ahead spending for all the Rejuvenati­on Plan items. Where is all the money coming from?

Among all the other spending items that I question, I strongly feel that the $2.6 million for purchasing the 14 parcels of land would be better spent on a permanent fix of the flooding problems on Berksdale Golf Course, which is probably the most popular course in Bella Vista. The 14 parcels do not generate income, but keeping Berksdale open certainly does. Where are our priorities?

Yes, I have been told I am negative about what is going on, but think about it. Where are all the funds coming from? Who is going to pay for it in the long run? You know who it is.

My opinion of this situation is this: We will spend all of our funds including our reserve funds on these frivolous projects and at some point someone will realize we can’t afford our new management style and he will depart to greener pastures and all of us will be stuck with figuring out how to pay for all of it. Am I negative? Maybe so. Am I realistic? Yes.

Jay Soule Bella Vista

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