The Weekly Vista

Great families in Bella Vista


Twenty-six, that is the number of “Great Bella Vista Families” who are acting as hosts and guides to visitors coming to look over our community as their potential next home. Under our all-volunteer Ambassador program, these families are at the tip of the spear in showing off Bella Vista. BV Ambassador families assist possible future residents plan their trips here, find a place to stay, and take them on a driving tour around Bella Vista, tailoring the trip to the interests of our visitors. A regular trip around our fair community can take as long as one and one-half hours. In addition, our volunteers will usually offer to meet for a meal sometime during the visitors’ stay at one of our POA-operated or other local restaurant­s.

Who are these Ambassador­s? Well, they are just regular folks that absolutely love Bella Vista and want to share what they know about our community, its numerous amenities, health care in the area, shopping opportunit­ies and local attraction­s. Ambassador­s are “people persons.” They enjoy meeting folks and sharing their lives. There are other great Bella Vistans who volunteer in many ways to make our community better, and I commend all of them. But if being a Bella Vista Ambassador interests you, please give me a call at 479-855-6308. We have 26 but would love to have 50 Ambassador families.

Ralph Patterson Chair, Bella Vista Ambassador­s

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