The Weekly Vista

Young angler has great fish story


Seven-year-old Carter Musteen had a big day last week. He caught his first fish and then he caught it again.

It started when his father, Dustin Musteen, took Carter fishing at Lake Brittany, his mother, Kristen Musteen said. They were fishing for trout, so they were using a bait and hooks specifical­ly for trout. But when Dustin had a bite and reeled it in, it wasn’t a trout he and his father saw. Instead, it was a big catfish.

Unfortunat­ely, the fish broke the line and got away. In the process, Carter’s pole was broken and that meant a trip to Cabala’s to reout fit the young angler.

Carter is left-handed, but he had been using a pole set up for a right-handed person. The new pole had a reel that could be switched, so Dustin Musteen set it up for left-handed use.

Carter wanted to go back and try to catch his fish again. His parents told him he probably wouldn’t be able to hook the same fish, but he was determined that the whole family went back to Lake Brittany. This time they brought bait and hooks for catfish. It didn’t talk long before Carter had another bite. This time he reeled it all the way in.

When they examined the freshly caught catfish, they found the trout hook still in its mouth.

“It was the same fish,” Kristen Musteen said.

Usually, the Musteens release the fish they catch, but Carter wanted to keep his first catch. They took it home and fried it. Carter, normally not a big fish eater, ate part of his first catfish.

Now, his mother said, he wants to go fishing every day.

 ?? Submitted photo ?? Seven-year-old Carter Musteen’s first catch was also his second catch. He was fishing for trout at Lake Brittany when he caught this catfish — twice.
Submitted photo Seven-year-old Carter Musteen’s first catch was also his second catch. He was fishing for trout at Lake Brittany when he caught this catfish — twice.

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