The Weekly Vista



Citywide garage sale

We will make available parking spaces in front of the museum for individual­s who would like to participat­e in the third annual citywide garage sale the weekend of April 24 and 25, but don’t want to have a garage sale at home. Volunteer Dustie Meads will coordinate this project as a fundraiser for the museum again this year. If you are interested in renting one or more of our spaces, please contact her for details at 479-5538116. The rental will be $25 per space. Call early to reserve your space.

Bella Vista Civil War Roundtable

Our next monthly Roundtable will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 5. The speaker will be Brad Davenport, on the “Last Battle of the Civil War.” Everyone is welcome, please join us.

Annual membership meeting

The public is invited to our annual membership meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 15. The speaker will be Jim Wozniak, who moved to Bella Vista in 1977, and joined the Bella Vista branch of the Benton County Sheriff’s Office when we were still an unincorpor­ated village in Benton County. He was promoted to chief deputy in 1995 and is now a city council member. We know you will enjoy listening to his stories of law enforcemen­t over the years in Bella Vista.

Historic sites driving tour

Our next historic sites driving tour will be held on Friday, March 20, conducted by Dale Phillips, starting at 12:30 p.m. at the museum. Cost is $15/ person or $25 for two, to be paid at the door that day. Reservatio­ns are required and may be made by calling Dale at 812-8992049. This is a fundraiser for the museum, and all proceeds go to our operating costs.

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