The Weekly Vista

Take a spiritual journey along with Jesus

- ROBERT A. BOX Chaplain's Perspectiv­e

Easter is the holiest time of the year for Christians since, without the death, burial and resurrecti­on of Jesus, most of Christiani­ty would be reduced to religious rhetoric. Because of the significan­ce of this event and the events leading up to it, let me suggest that you use your Bibles and read the relevant passages of scriptures as an act of faithfulne­ss during Holy Week. Here are some guidelines based upon the Bible and the “Harmony of the Gospels” by A.T. Robertson.

FRIDAY (March 31st, 8th of Nisan) — This was in the spring of 30 A.D. if the feast of John 5:1 was a Passover. Jesus’ public ministry lasted for three years. During this day, Jesus arrived at Bethany just to the east of Jerusalem (John 11:5512:11).

SATURDAY (April 1st, 9th of Nisan) — Apparently, this was a day of rest for Jesus.

PALM SUNDAY (April 2nd, 10th of Nisan) — It was a day of triumph! Jesus entered Jerusalem as the messiah (Mark 11:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11, 14-17; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:1219).

MONDAY (April 3rd, 11th of Nisan) — This was a day of authority. Jesus curses the fig tree and the temple is cleansed the second time. (Mark 11:12-18; Matthew 21:12-13, 18-19; Luke 19:45-48). Philip brought some Greeks to Jesus (John 12:20-50).

TUESDAY (April 4th, 12th of Nisan) — This is a day of controvers­y. The rulers challenge Jesus’ authority (Mark 11:27-12:12; Matthew 21:23-22:14; Luke 20:1-19). The Pharisees and Herodians try to trick Jesus about paying taxes. The Sadducees ask Jesus about the resurrecti­on, and the Pharisees pose a legal question to Jesus (Mark 12:13-34; Matthew 22:15-40; Luke 20:20-40). In addition, Jesus denounced the Scribes and Pharisees, commended the poor widow for her gift, and predicted his crucifixio­n. It is at this time that Judas bargains with the rulers to betray Jesus (Mark 14:1011; Matthew 26:14-16; Luke 22:306).

WEDNESDAY (April 5th, 13th of Nisan) — This is a day of silence. We know very little about what Jesus did this day. Maybe he just rested or spent the time with God the Father.


(April 6th, 14th of Nisan) — This is a busy day. The paschal meal was observed Thursday evening after sunset, which was the beginning of the Jewish Friday. During this time, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and pointed out the one who was to betray him. All of them were warned that they would desert him. Then, he instituted the Lord’s Supper (Mark 14:1725; Matthew 26:10-29; Luke 22:14-20; John 13:1-38; I Corinthian­s 11:23-36). Jesus then spent time in the Garden of Gethsemane praying (Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:30, 36-46; Luke 22:17-20; John 18:1).

GOOD FRIDAY (April 7th, 15th of Nisan) — The sequence of events during this day: Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and forsaken long before dawn. He is first examined by Annas, the ex-high priest, is hurriedly tried and condemned by Caiaphas and the members of the Sanhedrin who were present. After dawn, Jesus was again tried and convicted by the Sanhedrin, since the first trial was illegal according to Jewish Law and not many members were present. (Mark 14:15:1; Matthew 26:47-27:1; Luke 22:47-71; John 18:24). During this time, Peter denies his Lord three times and Judas commits suicide. Jesus then was brought before Pilate for the first time on Friday morning, then taken to see Herod Antipas the Tetrarch, and to Pilate for the second time (Mark

14:54-15:15; Matthew 27:126; Luke 22:66- 23:15; John 18:39-19:16). The Roman soldiers mocked Jesus between 6 p.m. and 9 a.m., and the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross) occurred before 9 a.m. (Mark 15:2023; Matthew 27:31-34; Luke 23:26-33; John 19:18-27).

Jesus was on the cross around 9 a.m. to noon, and during this time he uttered his first three sayings: The Prayer for his enemies, the promise to the repentant robber, and the charge to John and Jesus’ mother. The last four sayings occurred from noon to around 3 p.m.: The cry of desolation, the cry of physical anguish, the cry of victory, and the cry of resignatio­n. Jesus was placed in the tomb sometime on Friday afternoon before 6

p.m. He was in the tomb a part of Friday, all day Saturday, and a part of the following Sunday — e.g. three days, according to Jewish reckoning.

Appreciate your spiritual journey as you read these

important scriptures and the events they represent. Next week, I will share Jesus’ resurrecti­on and eleven appearance­s following his resurrecti­on. May you have a blessed Easter season appreciati­ng what

Jesus did for all of us.

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