Times-Call (Longmont)

Wife doesn’t notice husband’s new look

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> What does it mean (if anything) when a husband cuts off his facial hair, such as a goatee and or beard, and his wife doesn’t notice for a day or two, even when you are together?

— Baffled

DEAR BAFFLED >> My mother had a friend who decided to test her family’s attention by appearing at the breakfast table wearing a full-on ski mask.

No one said a word. The point is that families sometimes stop seeing one another. Proximity can inspire invisibili­ty.

So yes, this lack of attention means something, but it doesn’t mean everything.

This may have hurt your feelings, however, so discuss it with your wife, and be emotionall­y honest.

You should both ask yourselves how “present” you are in your daily lives. Do you notice positive changes your spouse has made, and acknowledg­e them?

When you do notice and remark on changes — little or large — you are quite literally saying, “I see you.”

DEAR AMY >> I am a former university president and my schooling was in clinical psychology.

My wife and I read your column for entertainm­ent purposes.

The letters are interestin­g, and anyone can guess what your solution will be — see a counselor.

That way, people won’t have to face their somewhat stupid problems on their own and instead rely on some idiot who doesn’t have a clue to give them advice.

I’ve dealt with socalled marriage counselors, better-called marriage referees, and they solved nothing that a few shouts and yells wouldn’t have resolved.

Anyway, you’re making a nice living giving out useless but harmless advice, and ensuring that all of those “counselors” out there also make a good living.

Don’t stop. Your columns are fun with our coffee.

— Ed D

DEAR ED D >> Your extreme bitterness makes me wonder if you would benefit from... oh, never mind.

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