Times-Call (Longmont)

The Las Vegas Review-journal on how the impossible is happening with Medicaid enrollment:


Former President Ronald Reagan once noted, “No government ever voluntaril­y reduces itself in size.” That’s true, which is why what’s currently happening with Medicaid is so remarkable.

During the pandemic, Medicaid enrollment grew dramatical­ly because the federal government tied increased emergency funding to a provision that prevented states from removing ineligible individual­s from the rolls. Earlier this year, Medicaid enrollment ballooned from 65 million people to more than 94 million. That’s more than a quarter of the country’s population.

So much for Medicaid being coverage of last resort for the neediest.

Mr. Reagan foresaw that outcome. The rest of his above quote states, “Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this Earth.”

To prove his point, the White House kept renewing the emergency order even as the pandemic faded. This was a backdoor effort to permanentl­y expand Medicaid.

But Republican­s in December 2022 rescinded the continuous coverage mandate, forcing states to disenroll those who were improperly using Medicaid. Progressiv­es — eager to see more Americans become government dependent — warned that enforcing eligibilit­y requiremen­ts would lead to a massive spike in the uninsured.

That hasn’t happened.

As The Wall Street Journal noted in August, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projected a less than 1 percentage point increase in the number of uninsured Americans once the pandemic emergency provisions expired . ...

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