Times-Call (Longmont)

Be wary of enshrining abortion in state Constituti­on

- — Marion R. Hill, Longmont

It’s been reported the babydoomer­s are preparing an amendment to our state Constituti­on protecting abortion. A few years ago, we amended our Constituti­on to protect marijuana. If you voted for Amendment 64, are you happy with what you got, or do you feel perhaps you were taken advantage of a bit? How many schools have been built with the tax money? Have all the illicit suppliers of pot disappeare­d? Are our children safer? Are there hundreds of new, good paying jobs available? Did you realize the pot planned to be sold was logarithmi­cally more potent than that available when you were a kid? Did legalizing it make the opioid problem go away?

The reason the babydoomer­s want an amendment is they know it will be almost impossible to remove. Just like the marijuana people knew. Once it’s in, the chances of removal or even modificati­on are pretty much nil.

Based on past experience, I would ask you to think twice about why this needs to be in the Constituti­on. We already have a state law no one has the courage to even modify. Incorporat­ion into the Constituti­on is an extreme position that need not be taken. I have not seen or heard what they’re trying to encompass in the amendment, so I can shed no light on what is planned. The danger is not just what is in the amendment but what they don’t tell you about it. Our Democrat legislatur­e is well versed in how to be arrogant and hazy. Remember when they promised to fix the property tax issue before the last session ended? Remember how they were going to fix it after HH was rejected? I lost track. Did they fix it or just jam it piecemeal down our throats?

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