Times-Call (Longmont)

The politiciza­tion of truth

- By George Tristan George Tristan is a USMC veteran, aerospace engineer and political activist.

As we peer over the landscape of the current human experience, there exists a huge chasm between opposing sides of nearly every issue of significan­ce. Why is the divide so vast, don’t we all have the same purview of the truth? I contend that the truth has lost its significan­ce and value, rather, it has become a Pawn to be served up for the taking, so that the King may survive.

Some will say that a person can possess their “own truth”, as if the intrinsic nature of truth has variation or subjectivi­ty. I contend that if truth is not an objective entity, then truth is moot. One may have their own opinion or perspectiv­e on any given matter, which naturally can vary from one person to another; truth, however, is rooted in fact, its DNA is not stitched in emotion, conjecture, or hyperbole. If we are unable to clearly define the character and nature of truth, then how can we know and identify it when it is presented to us?

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” is a law of propaganda often attributed to the infamous Nazi, Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologi­sts, something like this is known as, the “illusion of truth” effect. Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, was known for his skills in public speaking and earned this title and role of mouthpiece of the Fuhrer. Hitler knew that to gain the support of the German citizenry in his quest to eradicate the Jewish people, he would need to use this powerful tool to control public sentiment.

The progressiv­e left uses deception to promote cultural and political narratives; a means justified to an end that casts former President Trump and all his supporters, a threat to Democracy. Using fear tactics, the progressiv­e left playbook foments in their eyes, a justifiabl­e hatred toward the former President and his followers. Hitler successful­ly fomented this same type of fear and subsequent hatred, toward the Jews.

This deception by the left has included the lie that systemic racism is pervasive in law enforcemen­t; a lie that launched the defund the police, zero cash bail, and reduced sentencing social justice initiative­s. These procrimina­l and anti-victim policies have resulted in a dramatic rise in violent crime in cities throughout the country. Colorado has some of the highest crime rates in the nation. Respect for, and submission to, the authority of law enforcemen­t officers is discourage­d by the left. As a result, police department­s are critically understaff­ed, resulting in longer 911 response times.

A big, fat, whopper of a lie has been the touting of Bidenomics, the “middle out, bottom up” policies employed to facilitate the Build Back Better agenda, which are clearly a failure, having made us all less financiall­y secure. Credit card debt has dramatical­ly increased, high interest rates have slowed investment, cost of goods resulting from inflation remain at discouragi­ng levels; hurting the retired and fixed income wage earners the most. Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, recently had the courage to admit that she was wrong when she called inflation “transitory.” Alas, someone told the truth.

Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, repeatedly lied to the American people, that the border was secure, as we have watched millions of illegal migrants enter the U.S. through our southern border, over the past three years. Mayorkas finally admitted to a border crisis, but only after FBI Director Christophe­r Wray testified to Congress that the intelligen­ce community has not seen the type of threat of terrorist attacks that is emerging now “in a long, long time,” calling the threat actors “a veritable rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizati­ons.” President Biden, the dishonorab­le Liar-in-chief, blamed former President Trump for the current border crisis. Pinocchio would have been shaking his head at this one. The first week in office following his inaugurati­on, Biden struck down nearly all the Trump era executive orders that were keeping our border secure.

My hope and belief are that the lies are beginning to lose their strangleho­ld on commonsens­e Americans, who are ready for the adults to regain control of the White House and bring back some sanity to the governance of our great nation, before it is lost forevermor­e.

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