Times-Call (Longmont)

Palestinia­ns return to destroyed Khan Younis

- By Wafaa Shurafa and Samy Magdy


STRIP>> Stunned Palestinia­ns found their home city unrecogniz­able Monday as they filtered in to salvage what they could from the vast destructio­n left by Israeli troops who withdrew from southern Gaza’s Khan Younis a day earlier after months of fighting and bombardmen­t.

With thousands of buildings destroyed or damaged, families tried to find their homes along streets bulldozed down to the dirt, surrounded by landscapes of rubble and debris that were once blocks of apartments and businesses. On other blocks, buildings still stood but were gutted shells, scorched and full of holes, with partially shattered upper floors dangling off precipitou­sly.

The scenes in Khan Younis underscore­d what has been one of world’s most destructiv­e and lethal military assaults in recent decades, leaving most of the tiny coastal territory unlivable for its 2.3 million people. It also portended what is likely to happen in Gaza’s southernmo­st town of Rafah, where half of Gaza’s uprooted population is now crowded, if Israel goes ahead with plans to invade it.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu escalated his pledge to take the offensive to Rafah, declaring in a video statement Monday, “It will happen. There is a date,” without elaboratin­g. He spoke as Israeli negotiator­s were in Cairo discussing internatio­nal efforts to broker a cease-fire deal with Hamas.

Magdy Abu Sahrour was shocked seeing his house in Khan Younis flattened.

“I couldn’t find my home because of all the destructio­n,” he said as he stood in front of the rubble. “Where is my place, where is my home? … It’s a tragic situation.”

Israel sent troops into Khan Younis in December, part of its blistering ground offensive that came in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and hostage-taking into southern Israel. Its withdrawal brought Israeli troops in the tiny coastal enclave to one of the lowest since the war began.

The war, now in its seventh month, has killed more than 33,000 Palestinia­ns, mostly women and children, according to local health authoritie­s. Israeli authoritie­s say 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed and roughly 250 people taken hostage in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

Many of the thousands who came to Khan Younis by foot and on donkey cart on Monday have been sheltering in Rafah. The withdrawal gave them a chance to see the wreckage of their homes and retrieve a few possession­s. But with the city now unlivable, they said they had little immediate chance to return.

An estimated 55% of the buildings in the Khan Younis area — around 45,000 buildings — have been destroyed or damaged, according to the latest figures from two researcher­s in the U.S. who have been using satellite imagery to track destructio­n throughout the war — Corey Scher of City University of New York and Jamon Van Den Hoek of Oregon State University.

One woman clambered over slabs of collapsed concrete atop a mountain of wreckage of her home. Her son crawled on all fours into a hollow under the rubble and twisted rebar, clearing away concrete blocks.

“There are no words to describe the pain inside me,” the woman said, her voice breaking. “Our memories, our dreams, our childhood here, our family — we were raised with them here … It’s all gone.” The woman, who identified herself only by her first name, Hanan, put a few items they found into a backpack, including a plastic red flower.

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