Times-Call (Longmont)

Be careful what you wish for

- Email Betty Heath at begeheath6­90@aol.com.

“Be careful what you wish for,” she said. “You don’t always get what you think you want.” Those were the words my mother told me repeatedly as I was growing up. It seems I was always chewing on something my mother said to me, mulling over her words but never really giving them very much thought.

The other day one of my friends and I were talking about some of the things in life we thought we always wanted but are thankful we never received. She recounted her wish for love and almost missing her chance to have that wish come true. She thought she loved Chris, who wore T-shirts, mostly from various business conference­s, and blue jeans, usually stained and/ or torn. You know, he was the casual dude. He would call her at the last minute and ask her to go hiking, camping or canoeing.

Then, she met Stan, who was well-heeled and proper. He enjoyed staying in hotels rather than motels and live theater instead of movies. His attire consisted of coordinati­ng shirts, ties and suits.he had an upscale home in Dallas and a vacation home in Vail. His one drawback was that his mother lived with him, so they decided the two of them would rent an apartment together, but he backed out at the lease signing. He promised her a string of pearls.

Their relationsh­ip ended when they booked a trip to the Bahamas together, and he canceled at the last minute. She went without him, and while there, she strolled along the beach and found herself missing Chris. She thought about renting a sailboat or going fishing — things she and Chris would have enjoyed doing

As she ended her story, we both concluded that the key to love and happiness is more about essence than refinement.


She couldn’t imagine Stan ever liking a barefoot stroll along the beach.

She thought she wanted to be a refined, corporate wife, but deep inside, her heart cried for the messy, uninhibite­d lifestyle she had while dating Chris.

She decided to gamble and, leaving Stan behind, she circled back to where she and Chris had met, hoping to find him again. It didn’t take long for them to bump into each other and reconnect.

That was 35 years ago, and she still counts her blessings today. She thinks about how easily she could have lost her chance at having her wish for love come true. On their wedding day, along with their wedding vows, they exchanged hiking boots as their wedding presents to each other.

Although she never got the string of pearls Stan promised her, she admits her life has been full of wonderful adventures. She said those boots symbolize everything she loves about Chris — both are sturdy, comfortabl­e and always ready for an adventure. As she ended her story, we both concluded that the key to love and happiness is more about essence than refinement.

She says she is very careful about what she wishes for these days.

Those words my mother kept saying to me as I was growing up ring true today. Being careful at what you wish for just may save having to live with a lot of regrets.

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