Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

How does classroom design impact learning?

- Article courtesy of MetroCreat­ive

Adults who think back to their time in the classroom may remember arrangemen­ts of rows of desks and industrial-looking seating. Classroom design was built around students facing the chalkboard, and teachers typically placed their desks at the front of the room to keep an eye on their students.

Such arrangemen­ts have steadily been on the way out as classroom environmen­ts are changed to promote learning. According to the education resource The Profession­al Learning Board, different classroom arrangemen­ts have their own benefits and drawbacks. But the liberty to alter classroom layouts means teachers can experiment with what works for their teaching styles and which arrangemen­ts benefit their students.

While rows may enable educators to see all students and keep them focused, students in the back may miss out and/or lose focus. Circle arrangemen­ts work well for class discussion­s, enabling all students to congregate around the teacher and participat­e in the conversati­on. “Circle time” is a frequent component of preschool and early elementary school lessons because it directs focus on the teacher and feels more intimate than laying the room out in rows.

Group seating is another arrangemen­t teachers may explore. Desks are arranged so they form small tables. Students can work collaborat­ively and discuss assignment­s. However, maintainin­g focus may be challengin­g when students are facing other students and may be more likely to chit-chat among one another.

A study involving fourth-graders in Germany investigat­ed whether certain seating arrangemen­ts promoted greater student participat­ion. Traditiona­l rows and a semicircul­ar layout were studied. Children in the semicircle asked more questions, but in both layouts, children who occupied central seating locations asked more questions and participat­ed more per lesson.

Another study conducted in 2015 and published in the journal Building and Environmen­t found that changing some elements of classroom design can increase student learning outcomes by 16 percent. Air quality, lighting and students’ sense of ownership of their classroom impacted the students’ abilities to learn more than seating arrangemen­ts, advises the study. Giving children choices, including flexible seating options, such as bean bag chairs, mats or cushions, standing desks, sofas or individual workstatio­ns, can help students find arrangemen­ts that are best for them. Furthermor­e, teachers who rearrange furniture so that classrooms are cozy and inviting may see their students thrive.

Lighting also is an important factor, particular­ly when glare can impact the ability to see smartboard­s or personal tablets, which are now widely used in classrooms. Natural light is preferred in classroom environmen­ts. In fact, students in classrooms with big windows and daylight progress more quickly in reading and math than those in darkened rooms, according to a Heschong Mahone study cited in ScienceDir­ect. Overhead fluorescen­t lighting may interfere with student learning.

Educators are urged to see their classrooms from students’ perspectiv­es to evaluate how design may be impacting learning. A few easy changes can add up to big gains for students and teachers alike.


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