Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Montco health officials offer guidance

- By Carl Hessler Jr. chessler@21st-centurymed­ia.com @montcocour­tnews on Twitter

Education plans subject to state approval

NORRISTOWN » Establishi­ng a pandemic coordinato­r or team, identifyin­g high-risk students and staff and implementi­ng health monitoring are just some of the general recommenda­tions that Montgomery County health officials included in guidance prepared for school districts to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s during the upcoming academic year.

The county Office of Public Health, in collaborat­ion with school superinten­dents, released the guidance on Friday and said schools should use it to help develop their health and safety plans for reopening that are required by the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Education.

School district governing bodies must approve health and safety plans and submit the plans, tailored to their unique local needs, to the state before reopening. Having a plan approved is required to reopen schools for in-person instructio­n.

“Since the first coronaviru­s cases were reported in Montgomery County, we have been on nearly weekly calls with our school superinten­dents providing critical informatio­n on the pandemic and working collaborat­ively on guidance for opening schools,” county Commission­ers’ Chairwoman Dr. Valerie A. Arkoosh, said on Friday. “Our primary goal is to support a school environmen­t that is as safe as possible for the students, faculty, and staff while providing much needed in-person education.”

County health officials recommende­d districts identify a “pandemic coordinato­r” or “pandemic team” with defined roles and responsibi­lities for health and safety preparedne­ss and response planning. Officials said schools will need to consider the appropriat­e staffing of school nurses or other certified health personnel to lead surveillan­ce and quarantine protocol activities or coordinate with state or local public health department­s to address workforce shortages. Health and safety plans should be posted on school district websites, officials said.

Health officials recommende­d students and staff with higher risk for severe illness “should be supported and encouraged options to telework” and school officials should explore “offering activities that will minimize higher risk individual­s having contact with others.”

Other recommenda­tions for monitoring students and staff for symptoms include:

• Require routine, daily self-monitoring, for example, temperatur­e and symptom screening, and checks for history of exposure.

• Monitoring and health check to be completed at home by parents or caregivers and staff members before use of school transporta­tion and arriving to school. It is recommende­d that the school take responsibi­lity of monitoring when staff and students are in the building.

• Monitor absenteeis­m to identify any trends in student and staff absences due to illness.

• Encourage parents to keep sick children home and staff to stay home if they are sick.

• Flexible attendance policies should be considered for students, teachers and staff with signs of symptoms or confirmed illness, household members with a positive test or households with high-risk caregivers or siblings.

• Immediatel­y separate staff and students with COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath.

• Identify an isolation room or area to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-19 like symptoms. Areas used by a sick person should be closed off and do not use before cleaning and disinfecti­on.

• Individual­s who are sick should go home or to a health care facility depending on severity of their symptoms.

• Plan for communicat­ion and removal of staff and students who are identified as household contact or close contact to a confirmed case.

The guidelines contain protocols for social distancing for classrooms and learning spaces. They include:

• Desks should face in the same direction, rather than facing each other, or have students sit on only one side of tables, encouraged to be configured to be spaced 6 feet apart, if feasible.

• Having the same group of students stay with the same staff based on age and developmen­tal level of students.

• Provide students with assigned seating.

• Staggered schedules to limit the number of individual­s in classrooms and other spaces, if feasible.

• An alternativ­e class space and staggered/hybrid scheduling need to be considered. Hybrid model is currently being endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

• Hold classes in gyms, auditorium­s or other large spaces.

• Consider alternate approaches to communal use spaces such as cafeterias and playground­s; otherwise stagger use and disinfect in between use.

• Stagger classes to limit numbers of students in hallways at any time. Separate students within common areas.

• Consider classroom-based meals eaten at student desks or increased staggering of meal times in multiple locations of the schools with enforcemen­t of physical distancing. Sharing of food should be discourage­d and encourage students to bring their personal water bottles.

• Serve individual­ly plated meals/ box lunches and avoid buffet-style meals whenever possible.

• Regulate social contact and crowding in bathrooms.

• Staggering transition­s and arrivals and dismissals and one-directiona­l hallway designatio­ns.

• Limiting classroom rotations by students; instead have teacher rotate rooms while students remain in place, which is another strategy that might reduce hallway crowding.

• Minimize sharing of electronic devices such as tablets or calculator­s or disinfecti­ng in between use; keeping children’s belongings separated in labeled cubbies, containers or desks.

The guidelines recommend restrictin­g nonessenti­al visitors, volunteers and activities that involve other groups. Officials recommend pursuing virtual group events, gatherings or meetings, if possible, and promote social distancing of at least 6 feet between people if events are held. Group sizes should be limited in accordance with Gov. Tom Wolf’s color-coded reopening plan.

Protocols for adjusting transporta­tion schedules and practices include:

• Social distancing is to be maintained, when feasible, while on school transporta­tion.

• All individual­s on school transporta­tion are required to wear face coverings.

• Individual­s using school transporta­tion should have assigned seating.

• Household members should be seated together on school transporta­tion.

• School buses will need protocols for increased cleaning and disinfecti­on.

• Staggering transition­s and arrivals and dismissals.

Officials provided guidelines for hygiene practices for students and staff. They include:

• Ensure handwashin­g strategies include washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, after using the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing and after touching your face.

• If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, use an alcoholbas­ed hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

• Teachers and staff will need rigorous and routine refresher training on proper hygiene, distancing and personal protective equipment protocols.

• Procuremen­t of sanitation supplies such as hand sanitizer, soaps, disinfecta­nt and masks should begin in advance of school reopening.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as playground equipment, door handles, sink handles and drinking fountains within the school at least daily or in between use as much as possible.

• Close off areas used by individual­s with COVID-19 and wait as long as practical before beginning cleaning and disinfecti­on to minimize potential exposure to respirator­y droplets.

• Cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms and common areas used by an ill person, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.

Guidelines on the use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by staff and students include:

• All individual­s are mandated to wear face coverings when indoors and outdoors when social distancing, at least 6 feet, cannot be continuous­ly maintained. This includes during carpool drop off or pick up or when standing in line at school.

• Consider using plexiglass or clear “sneeze guards’ that sit atop the desk to contain respirator­y droplets. Schools should prioritize plexiglass barriers for classrooms that have the most students or for classrooms without space for desks to be at least 6 feet apart.

• Students are permitted to remove their face covering if they are outdoors and able to maintain a distance of 6 feet from individual­s who are not members of their household; when eating or drinking when spaced at least 6 feet apart; or seated at desks or assigned work spaces at least 6 feet apart.

• Staff members are to wear facial protection while in the building.

• Students and staff should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. Informatio­n should be provided to all staff on proper use, removal and washing of cloth face coverings.

• If students and staff do not have access to face coverings, the school district should make all attempts to provide adequate face coverings and other personal protective equipment. Inventory of face coverings should be carefully monitored.

The recommende­d protocols for sporting and other group activities include:

• Coaches, athletes and spectators must wear face coverings, unless they are outdoors and can consistent­ly maintain social distance of at least 6 feet.

• Athletes are not required to wear face coverings while actively engaged in workouts and competitio­n that prevent wearing of face coverings, but must wear face coverings when on the sidelines, in the dugout, etc. and any time 6 feet of social distancing is not possible.

• Refrain from scheduling large group activities such as field trips, inter-group events and extracurri­cular activities.

In the guidelines, health officials recommende­d districts post signs in highly visible locations with instructio­ns about how to stop the spread of COVID-19. School officials should broadcast regular announceme­nts that include messages about behaviors that prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The guidelines outline procedures for ventilatio­n in learning spaces and areas used by students. They include:

• Ensure that ventilatio­n systems operate properly and increase circulatio­n of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors. Do not open windows or doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk, for example, allowing pollens in or exacerbati­ng asthma symptoms, to staff and students.

• Holding classroom activities in outdoor spaces or larger school spaces, such as auditorium­s and gymnasiums, instead of small classrooms and using windows and open classroom doors for cross-ventilatio­n.

• If alternativ­e ventilatio­n options cannot be deployed, an enhanced focus on other means of onsite distancing, class size reduction and/or flexible scheduling may be weighed as alternativ­e strategies to minimize transmissi­on risk.

During a news briefing earlier this week, Arkoosh warned parents there’s no guarantee schools will be free of COVID-19 cases.

“I want families to start to really understand that there is no way possible to guarantee that any school will be free of the coronaviru­s. In fact, I think everybody needs to start to sort of let it sink in that there will be coronaviru­s cases in our schools throughout this school year,” Arkoosh said on

Wednesday. “We know how contagious this virus is and so there’s no way that anybody can say that there will be no cases.

“The goal is to make that situation as limited as possible and keep those schools as safe as possible while getting the benefit of in-person education and we know, particular­ly for younger students, how critically important that is,” Arkoosh added. “This is going to be a balancing act for every one of our families and each family will have to decide what is best for their own family.”

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