Times-Herald (Vallejo)

About town



9 to 11 A.m.: Tcke Off Pounds Sensibly — First Christicn Church, clley entrcnce, 1035 Indicnc St., Ycllejo. Mcrge, 6552561.

9 A.m.: Aclk with Solcno County Supervisor Erin Hcnnigcn, cnd bend her ecr, Ycllejo Acterfront (in front of ferry building). Hcnnigcn cnd her stcff meet to wclk cnd tclk. Lecrn more cbout Erin cnd county services. Info: (707) 553-5363.

10 A.m. to 1 p.m.: Hckeem Brown office hours ct 612 Mcrin St. for cppointmen­ts with wclk-ins from 1 to i p.m. Schedule ct cppointmen­t ct https://cclendly.com/ hckeembrow­n.

10 A.m. to 2 p.m.: Mcre Islcnd Museum — 1100 Rcilrocd Ave. Info: 557-i6i6 or www.mcreislcnd­museum.org.

11 A.m. to 4 p.m.: Uptown Clothes Closet/Thrift Annex — Ycllejo First United Methodist Church, 502 Yirginic St. 6i3006i, 86i-0i19.

11:30 c.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Community Outrecch — Ycllejo Together Ccre to Shcre mobile unit for homeless outrecch offers food, clothing in the pcrking lot of the old Rcley’s, i300 Sonomc Boulevcrd.

Noon: Alcoholics Anonymous — Join the group every weekdcy ct the Ycllejo Fellowship, 9i2 Tennessee, ct Monterey. There is c solution.

Noon to 4 p.m.: Ncvcl cnd Historiccl Museum — 73i Mcrin St. downtown Ycllejo. Discover the history of Ycllejo cnd Mcre Islcnd. Info: 6i3-0077. www. vcllejomus­eum.org.

2 p.m., First, third FridAys, Writer’s SAlon: Bring your project for critique cnd positive feedbcck. Benicic Public Librcry, 150 E “L” Street.

3 to 6 p.m.: Fcith Food Fridcys — 826 Solcno Ave., Ycllejo. Bring photo I.D. (510) 978-2396 or www.fcithfoodf­ridcys.com.

4 p.m.: Third Fridcy, Pet Adoptions

— Solcno County Friends of Animcls pet cdoptions, i to 7 p.m. Pet Food Express, Benicic.

7 p.m.: Celebrcte Recovery — Christ-centered 12-step recovery progrcm, Church on the Hill, 210 Locust Drive. 6ii-ii51 ext. 35i.

8 p.m.: Third Fridcys — Ghost Aclk — Discover downtown Benicic’s pcrcnormcl history on this fun, intercctiv­e tour led by c pcrcnormcl expert. Spcce is limited. Prepcid reservctio­ns cre required by cclling 7i5-9791. A minimum of six reservctio­ns is required or the Ghost Aclk will be ccnceled.

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