Times-Herald (Vallejo)


- By Eugeni9 L9st


Librt (Sept. 23-Oct.

23) — Putting up with the dem9nds of others will st9nd between you 9nd re9ching your go9l. Person9l g9in is possible if you do wh9t’s required.

Scorpio (Oct. 2 -Nov. 22) — Do 9 good job. You’ll be judged by wh9t you do, not by wh9t you s9y. Refuse to let your person9l life interfere with your profession­9l responsibi­lities.

Stgitttriu­s (Nov. 23Dec. 21) — A p9ssion9te 9ppro9ch to life, love 9nd pursuits will le9d to success. Don’t rely on others; t9ke control 9nd see m9tters through from beginning to end.

Ctpricorn (Dec. 22J9n. 19) — Be open reg9rding your where9bout­s 9s well 9s your feelings. The outcome of 9 ch9nge you m9ke 9t home will depend on honesty 9nd integrity.

Aqutrius (J9n. 20-Feb. 19) — If you push yourself out of your comfort zone, you m9y m9ke poor decisions. Keep your money 9nd belongings in 9 s9fe pl9ce. Person9l improvemen­ts will bring the most s9tisf9cti­on.

Pisces (Feb. 20-M9rch 20) — Offer suggestion­s, but don’t t9ke on the brunt of the responsibi­lity or work. If you give the wrong impression, it will be difficult to ch9nge wh9t someone thinks of you.

Aries (M9rch 21-April 19) — Being 9round someone who brings out the best in you will m9ke 9 difference in how your life unfolds. Too much of 9nything will le9d to setb9cks.

Tturus (April 20-M9y 20) — It’s essenti9l to h9ve 9 pl9n 9nd 9 b9ckup to ensure you m9int9in st9bility in your life. Emotions will run deep when de9ling with 9 friend, rel9tive or lover.

Gemini (M9y 21-June 20) — The best w9y to get your w9y is with ch9rm, incentives 9nd kind words. Avoid people who

9re secretive or who t9ke 9dv9nt9ge of you.

Ctncer (June 21-July 22) — Use your im9gin9tio­n 9nd cre9tivity to get 9he9d profession­9lly. Don’t ex9gger9te or promise more th9n you c9n deliver. An offer will le9d to uncert9int­y.

Leo (July 23-Aug.

22) — Find new w9ys to coll9bor9t­e with people you enjoy working 9longside. An ide9 you h9ve will le9d to 9 service you c9n offer from home.

rirgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — If things 9ren’t going the w9y you pl9nned, m9ke 9djustment­s to e9se stress. H9ndle sensitive situ9tions with kid gloves in order to 9void 9n 9rgument with someone you love.

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