Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Cheapening Vallejo


As I understand it, Vallejo City Manager, Greg Nyhoff wants a pay raise. I wish that I could get more money for not doing my job. He has done so many things against the people of Vallejo.

Nyhoff had his Public Works department take the lights out of the historic downtown trees. He said the trees are not sturdy enough to hold the lights the way they were originally placed. I have not seen one tree topple over in the over three years they were up. The people paid for these lights and the people want them back in the trees the way they were when they were first put up.

A city manager of any town should listen to the people. They should do the things the public wants. Nyhoff seems to not listen to the public at all. The merchants want the lights back for safety and security, too. There is a petition started to replace the lights in the trees, in the same manner they were in before. The people do not want cheap-looking colored lights strung from tree to tree the way Nyhoff has done now. This looks like trashy people forgot to take down Christmas lights. It cheapens Vallejo.

Citizens paid thousands for the original white lights placed throughout the trees on lower Georgia Street, Marin Street and parts of Florida Street. They want their property back.

Please stop by my antique shop at 412 Georgia St. to sign the petition to replace the lights in the downtown trees. Otherwise, it will be pretty dark down here when the next evening Art Walk comes around.

— Fred Menard/Vallejo

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