
Safety reminder for holiday lights issued by FCFD

Firemen urge residents to be mindful when using extension cords at homes

- Brodie Johnson T-H Staff Writer

Officials with the Forrest City Fire Department are reminding residents to be cautious when decorating for the holidays.

Firemen also remind residents of safety tips to follow during colder weather.

FCFD Fire Safety Officer Captain Justin Sharp said extension cords should not be used as permanent electrical outlets.

"Every year, we like to remind people to limit their extension cord usage," said Sharp. "Extension cords shouldn't be considered as permanent electrical wiring. They are for short-term use. Plug it up, use it and put it away. Use heavy-duty extension cords, not extension cords that you may find at a dollar store."

Sharp said that Christmas trees should not be placed close to fireplaces or too close to furniture because they are a fire risk for the home.

"Make sure to unplug your Christmas trees while you are gone or asleep," said Sharp. "If you have a live Christmas tree, make sure you keep it watered. If they dry out, they become very, very flammable. Don't set your trees up too close to furniture or fireplaces."

According to Sharp, when decorating the exterior of homes, people should use heavy-duty, outdoor-rated lights and extension cords to help prevent fires.

"If you are using outdoor Christmas lights, make sure to use lights that are rated for outdoor use," said Sharp. "These lights should also not be left on at all times. Also, if you are using extension cords with your outdoor lights, make sure they are heavy-duty, outdoorrat­ed extension cords. There are waterproof boxes that can be purchased that go over the connection­s to keep them from potentiall­y getting wet and causing an electrical fire."

Sharp also noted that during colder weather, people who have to use space heaters in their homes need to use caution and not use extension cords with space heaters.

“We also like to mention to be careful with space heaters," said Sharp. "We recommend not using them unless necessary, but if you have to use them, do not use them with extension cords. That is very dangerous and can cause a fire very quickly. Don't use them too close to drapes, furniture or your bed or anywhere where something can be thrown over the space heater.”

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