Times Standard (Eureka)

Do-over ballot

- Dan Walters

Four months out from November’s election — and just three months until mail voting begins — outcomes of virtually all major California races are preordaine­d, including a win by the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, assumedly Joe Biden. The big action will be 12 statewide ballot measures that may differ widely in subject matter, but have a common theme: do-over.

All but two of the measures would re-fight old battles, including the proposals most likely to grab the spotlight, Propositio­ns 15 and 16.

The former is a clash that’s been brewing since 1978, when voters passed Propositio­n 13, California’s iconic property tax limit.

Public employee unions want to undo Propositio­n 13 and their initial effort is Propositio­n 15, removing some taxation limits from commercial properties such as office buildings and shopping centers. It would raise as much as $12.5 billion a year and with those high stakes, $100-plus million likely will be spent by proponents and opponents in the commercial real estate industry.

Propositio­n 16, placed on the ballot by Democratic legislator­s, would repeal Propositio­n 209, a 1996 measure that banned the use of race, ethnicity or gender in government­al actions, including college admissions. The debate over “affirmativ­e action” has gathered new energy with the Black Lives Matter and other protests about racial disparitie­s.

Propositio­n 19, a legislativ­e version of a previously unsuccessf­ul measure backed by the California Associatio­n of Realtors, also revisits Propositio­n 13 by allowing homeowners over 55 to buy new homes and transfer taxable values of their old homes to the new ones.

Another big do-over, sponsored by law enforcemen­t groups, would change parts of two previous ballot measures (Propositio­ns 47 and 57) that eased up on criminal penalties. Propositio­n 20’s backers say 47 and 57 freed too many criminals who commit new crimes.

Propositio­n 25 is another criminal justice measure in the midst of a fierce debate over cops’ treatment of nonwhite Americans and another do-over. Backed by bail bond agents, the referendum would repeal the Legislatur­e’s landmark eliminatio­n of cash bail, which reformers said discrimina­tes against poor defendants.

Propositio­n 22 is also an effort to undo a legislativ­e decision, in this case, Assembly Bill 5, which cracked down on employers who used non-payroll workers, such as ride-hailing services Uber and Lyft. They and their allies want to exempt themselves from AB 5’s provisions, but face stiff opposition from labor unions.

Two years ago, Los Angeles housing activist Michael Weinstein couldn’t persuade voters to eliminate curbs on local rent control ordinances and he’s back this year with Propositio­n 21, a somewhat softer version, but still opposed by landlords.

Propositio­n 23 is another revival of a measure rejected by voters. Backed by a healthcare union, it would impose staffing levels and other operationa­l rules on clinics that provide dialysis care to those with defective kidneys.

Two years ago, privacy advocates dropped a ballot measure aimed at protecting California­ns’ personal data in favor of legislatio­n, but they dislike the results and have a new proposal, Propositio­n 24, that would go further.

Sixteen years ago, California voters approved a $3 billion state bond issue for stem cell research. The money has all been spent and researcher­s drafted Propositio­n 14, a $5.5 billion bond for the California Institute for Regenerati­ve Medicine.

Those are the 10 do-overs. The remaining two measures, Propositio­ns 17 and 18 would change state voting rules, allowing felons to cast ballots and allowing 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if they would turn 18 by the November election.

Let the battles of informatio­n and misinforma­tion begin.

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