Times Standard (Eureka)

There’s so much to feel grateful for

- Scott Marcus Scott “Q” Marcus is a profession­al speaker and founder of www. ThisTimeIM­eanIt.com, where he can be contacted for coaching, consulting, and presentati­ons. Share your gratitude at his online Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/ intentions.af

If you’re on social media, have you noticed the difference?

Apparently, I’ve become so conditione­d to focus on everything else swirling about in the maelstrom of my life, that when an opportunit­y to focus on the positives raises itself above the horizon, I power through it with what I was doing and don’t take time to stop, even once or twice a day, to pay attention to the “good things.” Moreover, if we are to be judged by our actions rather than our words, it says multitudes about what my actual priorities are.

I mean, it’s almost calm on my feed. I’m back to seeing posts of animals hugging, humorous signs, positive memes and inspiratio­nal images. Almost totally gone are the bombthrowe­rs, trolls and constant political arguments (of which I’ll admit, I participat­ed at times). I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s “polite”; that’s too much to hope for. But, at least I don’t feel like it’s dark, dank, graffiti-covered bathroom in an off-the-major-highway gas station.

I still haven’t totally accepted this “newer normal” where I can let down my guard, breathe again and feel that — although there’s a long way to go — we are on the road to a better place. Call it PTSD, but I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I noticed this most recently in how I approach gratitude.

Firstly, I find it important to remind you that I espouse that one can never be too grateful. In my first book, “The Shade of a Tree is the Very Best Shade There Is,” a series of quick thoughts to inspire, I wrote, “Give thanks whenever you can — especially when it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to be grateful for.” I believe that. I like to feel grateful. It releases a burden from one’s soul and lightens the load of life.

So, I was really startled by what I discovered about me.

I journal regularly, probably several times a day, on anything from quick thoughts to what I consider important quotations to long diatribes about life, spirituali­ty, family, relationsh­ips — you name it. (I know what you’re thinking: “You? Scott? Long diatribes? Really? I can’t believe it!”)

Anyway, seriously though, since my journal is electronic and lives on my computer as well as my iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch, I’ve programmed it to put up reminders twice a day asking me to record “Three Good Things.” into a journal specifical­ly designed for said collection­s of “Three Good Things.” Oft times — since I seem to work morning to night — the pop-up dialogue box interrupts my workflow on my computer. I get annoyed. I dismiss it.

Obviously then, I don’t record my “Three Good Things,” being in such a hurry to get back to the humdrum, nose to the grindstone, task in front of me.

Then, it dawned on me. Apparently, I’ve become so conditione­d to focus on everything else swirling about in the maelstrom of my life, that when an opportunit­y to focus on the positives raises itself above the horizon, I power through it with what I was doing and don’t take time to stop, even once or twice a day, to pay attention to the “good things.” Moreover, if we are to be judged by our actions rather than our words, it says multitudes about what my actual priorities are.

Yet, the biggest point is that I dismiss the dialogue box because I consider it too much of an “effort” to pause long enough to recall “Three Good Things.”

I’m not placing fault. I’d like to blame the nonstop pressure cooker in which we’ve lived for the last half a decade as the culprit, but it doesn’t matter. I need to change my viewpoint because, in doing that, my entire life will shift.

Follow me for a second: Life is the sum total of our actions, which are the result of our intentions. Values, those principles and morals which we consider to be important, determine our intentions. Intentions are an outgrowth of beliefs, which come from how we look at the world. Therefore, it stands to perfect reason that if when one adjusts his or her view of the world, like dominos, beliefs change, values change, intentions adjust and life takes a different turn.

To that end, it’s time to change my observatio­n and realize that pesky dialogue box is reminding me there’s so much to feel grateful for, “especially when it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to be grateful for.”

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