Times Standard (Eureka)

McConnell offers Democrats short-term debt fix amid standoff

- By Lisa Mascaro, Josh Boak and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON » Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday told Democrats he would allow an emergency debt limit extension into December, edging back from a perilous standoff by offering a potential path to avoid a federal default.

A procedural vote on legislatio­n that would suspend the debt limit for two years was abruptly delayed, and the Senate recessed so lawmakers could discuss next steps.

“This will moot Democrats’ excuses about the time crunch they created and give the unified Democratic

government more than enough time to pass standalone debt limit legislatio­n through reconcilia­tion,” McConnell said.

It also will allow Republican­s to avoid the blame they would have gotten from some quarters for blocking a vote on the longer extension.

Earlier Wednesday, President Joe Biden enlisted top business leaders to push for immediatel­y suspending the debt limit, saying the approachin­g Oct. 18 deadlines created the risk of a historic default that would be like a “meteor” that could crush the economy and financial markets.

At a White House event, the president shamed Republican senators for threatenin­g to filibuster any suspension of the $28.4 trillion cap on the government’s borrowing authority. He leaned into the credibilit­y of corporate America — a group that has traditiona­lly been aligned with the GOP on tax and regulatory issues — to drive home his point as the heads of Citi, JP Morgan Chase and Nasdaq gathered in person and virtually to say the debt limit must be lifted.

“It’s not right and it’s dangerous,” Biden said of the resistance by Senate Republican­s. “So let’s end this mess and vote today.”

His moves came amid talk that Democrats might try to change Senate filibuster rules to get around Republican­s. But Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., reiterated his opposition to such a change Wednesday, likely taking it off the table for Democrats.

Business leaders echoed Biden’s points about needing to end the stalemate as soon as possible, though they sidesteppe­d the partisan tensions in doing so. Each portrayed the debt limit as an avoidable crisis.

“We just can’t wait to the last minute to resolve this,” said Jane Fraser, CEO of the bank Citi. “We are, simply put, playing with fire right now, and our country has suffered so greatly over the last few years. The human and the economic cost of the pandemic has been wrenching, and we don’t need a catastroph­e of our own making.”

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