Times Standard (Eureka)

Ukraine faces campaign as it waits for weapons

- By John Leicester and Elena Becatoros

Ukrainian forces locked in a grinding battle for control of the country’s east struggled to hold off Russian troops and buy themselves some time Thursday while they await the arrival of the advanced rockets and anti-aircraft weapons promised by the West.

With the arms deliveries possibly weeks away, Ukraine is looking at a prolonged period of grueling combat, military analysts said.

“There’s a time lag, so the next few weeks are going to be pretty tough for our Ukrainian friends,” said retired U.S. Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, former commanding general of U.S. Army forces in Europe.

Ukraine is intent on exhausting Russian forces, as evidenced by street-tostreet fighting in the critical eastern city of Sievierodo­netsk, Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov said.

“And this can go on for quite some time,” he warned.

Britain on Thursday pledged to send sophistica­ted medium-range rocket systems to Ukraine, joining the U.S and Germany in equipping the country with some of the advanced weapons Kyiv had been begging for to shoot down aircraft and destroy artillery and supply lines.

Western arms have been critical to Ukraine’s success in stymieing Russia’s much larger and better-equipped military during the war, which was in its 99th day Thursday.

The Kremlin warned of “absolutely undesirabl­e and rather unpleasant scenarios” if the latest Westernsup­plied weapons are fired into Russia.

“This pumping of Ukraine with weapons ... will bring more suffering to Ukraine, which is merely a tool in the hands of those countries that supply it with weapons,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Russian forces continued to pound towns and cities overnight and to tighten their grip on Sievierodo­netsk in the eastern industrial Donbas region, which Moscow is intent on seizing. An estimated 800 people, including children, were holed up in bomb shelters at a chemical factory under attack in the city, the regional governor said.

In the neighborin­g city of Lysychansk, some 60 percent of the infrastruc­ture and residentia­l buildings have been destroyed by nonstop shelling, a local official said.

Britain’s Defense Ministry reported that Russia had captured most of Sievierodo­netsk, one of two cities in Luhansk province that had remained under Ukrainian control. The Donbas is made up of Luhansk and Donetsk provinces.

Meanwhile, residents forced to flee the Kyiv area after Russian forces’ abortive attempt to storm the capital weeks ago confronted the overwhelmi­ng task of rebuilding their shattered lives.

Nila Zelinska and her husband, Eduard, returned for the first time to the charred ruins of their home outside Kyiv. They fled with her 82-year-old mother amid Russian shelling and airstrikes in the early days of the war.

 ?? BERNAT ARMANGUE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Ukrainian serviceman patrols a village near the frontline in eastern Ukraine on Thursday.
BERNAT ARMANGUE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A Ukrainian serviceman patrols a village near the frontline in eastern Ukraine on Thursday.

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