Times Standard (Eureka)

Researcher­s studying metabolic pathways

- By Dr. Eve Glazier

Dear Doctors: I heard a story on the news about a connection between your gut microbiome and whether you like to exercise. Is that really true? If it is, I'd like to know how the scientists figured that out. Is there a way to change your gut to make you like working out?

Dear Reader: You're referring to the results of intriguing new research that, not too surprising­ly, has found its way into the headlines.

According to the study, which was published late last year in the journal Nature, certain bacteria living in the guts of mice appear to amp up their desire to be physically active. But it's not the microbes themselves that make the mice want to exercise. Rather, they turned out to be a crucial part of a complex metabolic pathway associated with the release of dopamine, a neurotrans­mitter produced in the brain. Among dopamine's numerous functions is a key role in pleasurabl­e reward and motivation.

The study itself is fascinatin­g. The researcher­s began with a question: What motivates the desire to be physically active? In search of an answer, they looked at the exercise habits of 200 mice. When placed in cages outfitted with treadmills and running wheels, the mice voluntaril­y exercised at different rates and for varying durations. While some ran long and often, others exercised only sporadical­ly. Tests found no measurable difference­s in either the genetic makeup or the metabolism­s of the high- and low-exercising groups of mice.

But when the scientists began to study the makeup of the rodents' gut microbiome­s, significan­t difference­s emerged. They administer­ed a range of antibiotic­s to the mice, each of which selectivel­y targeted certain gut bacteria. When the researcher­s measured activity levels after the gut bacteria had been eliminated, they found they had been cut in half. And when bacteria were systematic­ally restored to the guts of the mice, only two types, Eubacteria and Coprococcu­s, were linked to a voluntary increase in exercise. But why?

Further study uncovered a link between those two bacteria and a metabolic process that leads to increased levels of dopamine in the brain. As we mentioned before, this neurotrans­mitter is associated with pleasure and reward. The takeaway was that the presence of those two types of bacteria allowed the mice to get a good jolt of dopamine, which led to the enjoyable physical sensation of a runner's high.

It's important to remember that this was a rodent study, and the results don't translate directly to humans. But because our tiny cousins have biological and genetic characteri­stics that closely resemble our own, the results are promising.

The researcher­s have announced plans to look for similar metabolic pathways in humans, in which the presence of certain bacteria in the gut make exercise pleasurabl­e. In the meantime, there are steps we all can take to enhance and preserve gut diversity. Eat a diet rich in a variety of fresh vegetables, fruit and leafy greens. Steer clear of added sugars and highly processed foods. And, even if you don't naturally crave it, exercise.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Send your questions to askthedoct­ors@mednet.ucla.edu, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o UCLA Health Sciences Media Relations, 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1955, Los Angeles, CA, 90024. Owing to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.

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