Times Standard (Eureka)

Lock him up! Lock him up!

- Matthew Owen resides in Eureka and believes the First Amendment allows for free speech. He can be reached at mowen707@gmail.com.

And off we go … is any person above the law?

It’s a simple question I ask my Republican friends. We found out with the former president that sitting American presidents cannot be indicted for crimes. However former presidents, AKA “common citizens,” can be indicted. Donald Trump is the first former president in the history of the United States to ever be indicted. This after being twice impeached, plus losing two popular votes, losing Congress and losing the Senate.

An indictment is nothing more than a list of accused crimes. Trump’s indictment is sealed, so we won’t know until Tuesday what 30 crimes Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has charged him with. Keep in mind that in our justice system, all people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. D.A. Bragg better have an airtight case of serious crimes, otherwise, Trump and Fox News will spin this as a “witch hunt!”

I have conflictin­g thoughts on this. Trump is threatened to be prosecuted for paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels for an alleged sexual affair from seven years (or longer) ago. He allegedly paid her hush money with campaign funds through his attorney, Michael Cohen. Why not do a Trump? Just lie and deny the obvious. Make it a “he said/she said” thing. He wouldn’t lose a single vote, as his base would probably vote more for him if he did have an affair with a porn star. Why pay Stormy Daniels $130,000?

On Tuesday, Trump’s team will turn him in for routine arrest processing of fingerprin­ting and a mugshot. What about the perp walk? Are they gonna put Trump in handcuffs and walk him in front of the press? Either way, it’ll be historic. Every newspaper will have his mugshot on the front page. His mugshot will be on every magazine cover. Every billboard from San Diego to Maine will have Trump’s mugshot. Whether you’re a red state or a blue state, it doesn’t matter as each side we’ll try to spin the narrative. Trump’s mugshot will be the No. 1 campaign theme for the 2024 election. Republican­s will say 74 million people voted for Trump and they’re ready to take the streets for an updated

Jan. 6 assault on democracy. While on the opposite side, Democrats will put up Trump’s mugshot and superimpos­e prison bars over his face, saying 81 million people voted against Trump in 2020, and more than that will vote against him in 2024.

Taylor Budowich, a former Trump aide and now the head of a pro-Trump super PAC, said in a tweet that the indictment is evidence of a “failed nation” and predicted it would actually help Trump. “The political elites and powerbroke­rs have weaponized government to try and stop him. They will fail. He will be re-elected in the greatest landslide in American history.” Of course, I got my usual multiple daily emails from the grifter begging for cash. “The Radical Left — the enemy of the hard-working men and women of this country — have INDICTED me in a disgusting witch hunt. Alvin Bragg, the Soros-funded District Attorney behind the indictment, relied on the testimony of a convicted felon and a disbarred lawyer.” Always with the red-meat buzz words … “Radical left”, “Soros” and “Witch Hunt.” I’m surprised he didn’t call out Mr. Bragg for being a “racist” District Attorney as Bragg is black.

Fox News was the funniest comedy show on TV last week. We know from their Dominion lawsuit texts that they hate Trump. However, they must pander to their viewing base, who loves Trump. Watching Jesse Watters say, “So he had an affair with a porn star. What’s the big deal?” Priceless!

What the Republican­s don’t understand is that Trump is like a bad hangover. PAR-TAY! Whoo-Hooo! It’s all fun and games while you’re out partying. Till you wake up the next morning, naked in the bushes with your head throbbing and covered in puke. The rest of the country understand­s this and hopes and prays that Trump is the Republican candidate. Heck, we could run Sleepy Joe again as Biden would easily win. What Republican­s don’t understand is, most of us are not voting for Biden, we’re voting against Trump. We’re voting for decency. We’re voting for democracy. Most importantl­y, we’re voting.

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