US Weekly


The actor and stand-up comedian cracks Us up!

- Jim Gaffigan BY

1. My father’s side of the family came from Ireland and were coal miners in Pennsylvan­ia and Illinois.

2. I was rejected from every college I applied to except Purdue University.

3. I’ve worn [long] pants [only] two days in the past four months of the pandemic.

4. I was a copywriter for an advertisin­g agency. I fell asleep on the job and had to be woken up to be fired.

5. The Pale Tourist [available on Amazon Prime July 24] will be my eighth comedy special.

6. I love Canada and Vermont, but I don’t like syrup — or as I refer to it, sugar spit. As a parent, it’s too messy.

7. I’m one of six children.

Each of my brothers married women who came from families of five, and my wife [Jeannie] is the eldest of nine.

8. I’ve appeared in more than 200 commercial­s.

9. During the pandemic, my family and I have been streaming our family dinners every night at 6 p.m., so people who are quarantine­d and away from loved ones can have dinner with a family.

10. In my 20s, I used to work out twice a day.

11. I [once] performed before Pope Francis.

12. There wasn’t a McDonald’s in [my Indiana] town until I got to high school.

13. I’m addicted to nicotine gum.

14. I’m tired all the time.

15. I often do stand-up about things that annoy me that I eventually end up enjoying — like hiking.

16. I studied finance in college.

17. I went to the same high school as Chief Justice John Roberts.

18. I actually don’t like Hot Pockets. I never said I did, but people sometimes assume I do.

19. After a stand-up concert, I like to go to a steakhouse!

20. My guilty pleasure is napping. I’m much nicer when I’ve napped.

21. The first celebrity I met was Jimmie Walker

[from Good Times]. When I was 8, I stood in line for two hours to have him sign my Dyn-o-mite! hat.

22. When I was in eighth grade, I wanted to be a farmer.

23. My kids [Marre, Katie Louise, Jack, Michael and Patrick] drive me crazy but make me laugh so hard.

24. My first car was a used white Pontiac Fiero. I called it my wedge of cheese.

25. I love other cultures and have always been fascinated by different rituals and traditions. Visiting other countries is one of my favorite things.

 ??  ?? Gaffigan’s film Most Wanted is in theaters and on demand
July 24.
Gaffigan’s film Most Wanted is in theaters and on demand July 24.
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